Yes another Ump gripe.... (look away if ya need to)

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Jun 1, 2013
The root of the problem is that parents spend good money on pitching lessons for their daughters and the pitching coaches either don't correct poor/illegal mechanics or specifically teach them to cheat.

Throwing illegal pitches is cheating. It is improper. And it is initially and ultimately the responsibility of the player's coach to ensure that the pitcher is throwing legal. It is improper, unsportsmanlike and immoral to knowingly put a pitcher out there who is going to pitch illegally.

And you knowingly allow it by not calling it because TD or UIC says so and they sign your checks? That makes you part of the problem and just as complicit as the coach, more so really because your job Iis to enforce the rules. Which is immoral? The guy that puts a struggling pitcher on the mound or the guy that that gets paid not to call an IP? What is the incentive for a pitching coach to teach legally if no one calls it? Can it not be assumed to be legal if no one calls it?
Jun 1, 2013
"Throwing illegal pitches is cheating. It is improper. And it is initially and ultimately the responsibility of the player's coach to ensure that the pitcher is throwing legal. It is improper, unsportsmanlike and immoral to knowingly put a pitcher out there who is going to pitch illegally." Quoted from Umpire post.

This is the single most hypocritical statement I have seen on this site. (YOU BEAT MTR)
Since you feel so strongly about it, are you gonna call IP's at all tournaments now regardless of TD or UIC? You brought morality into so please explain why it is moral to not call on the basis of keeping your paycheck.
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Nov 1, 2013
You know Easton 33.....if "Umpire" starts calling those IPs even though his employer for the weekend says NO TO.....the employer (TD) will drop the umpire from any additional games that weekend.

It's the way it is out there....... So, I've decided not to work for those TD's..... simple for me. Life is too short.
Jun 1, 2013
You know Easton 33.....if "Umpire" starts calling those IPs even though his employer for the weekend says NO TO.....the employer (TD) will drop the umpire from any additional games that weekend.

It's the way it is out there....... So, I've decided not to work for those TD's..... simple for me. Life is too short.

I understand the consequences as does he. I think it is laughable how he calls it cheating and immoral yet he isn't calling it because of the money. That's immoral and hypocritical. It a decision for you guys but to post that nonsense he did when he doesn't have the stones to enforce the rules is crazy.
Mar 2, 2013
And you knowingly allow it by not calling it because TD or UIC says so and they sign your checks? That makes you part of the problem and just as complicit as the coach, more so really because your job Iis to enforce the rules. Which is immoral? The guy that puts a struggling pitcher on the mound or the guy that that gets paid not to call an IP? What is the incentive for a pitching coach to teach legally if no one calls it? Can it not be assumed to be legal if no one calls it?

Way to take responses from two entirely different questions and combine them to make an argument that fits your needs.

I never said that I go out and purposely don't call illegal pitches. What I have said is that I've been involved with tournaments where they don't want strict enforcement of certain rules. That may be one of the reasons the teams sign up for the specific tournament. It may be one of the reasons teams go back to certain tournaments year after year.
Mar 2, 2013
I understand the consequences as does he. I think it is laughable how he calls it cheating and immoral yet he isn't calling it because of the money. That's immoral and hypocritical. It a decision for you guys but to post that nonsense he did when he doesn't have the stones to enforce the rules is crazy.


It's no different than not disqualifying players because they are improper courtesy runners or ineligible substitutes when the tournament rule is free substitutions.

It has nothing to do with being a hypocrite. It has to do with enforcing the TOURNAMENT RULES.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
We've had some good opinions on this thread. I thank all ( from both sides ) for their input. I have an idea, but unfortunately it's the wrong time of year so the "study" may not the practicle until next spring. Those men/women who officiate our children's games are giving the impression their employer for the weekend, the TD, calls the shots. As a working man myself, I can surely sympathize.

What's left of "fall ball", I'm going to search some state tourneys and email the TD..........asking specifically about his intentions on IP calls. I'm going to share this information with DFP. Anyone else is invited to do the same.

BUT, let's not make this into a witch hunt. The owner and moderators of our site wouldn't appreciate that and I don't blame them. So if I/we do post an email response, let's not mention a tourney name / TD name. Maybe just "from a TD in west Tennessee". Just a simple copy and paste of the reply.

Illegal pitching has no place in either game, BB or FP. That goes for balks trying to deceive the runner, illegal mechanics, doctoring the ball, foreign substances, etc.

Until we push for that all pitchers of this game adhere to the same rules, it will never be equal or fair to those who DO play by "the rules". We will also never get rid of the Mickey Mouse PC's who teach these bad mechanics.

Good idea or bad??
Jun 1, 2013
I give up, you are gonna hide behind the TD and I guess that's fine. The problem with your logic since your brought up the pitching coaches. Is a pitching coach supposed to teach the different styles allowed at each different tournament? Back to the question earlier then, if illegal pitches aren't to be called why can't a girl throw overhand? Which part of the pitching rules don't apply? What if the TD decided that he has seen a pitcher and she is legal and for you not to call her but enforce it on other teams? Maybe she is not presenting and the others are not dragging. How do you draw the line or do you?
Feb 7, 2013
So if 1/42 does not mean anything to you let me give you a revolver with 42 chambers and I will put only ONE live round in it. You gonna pull the trigger on yourself? Ya - didn't think so....

Illogical argument and example. I never said an umpire's one call is meaningless, what I said is there are dozens of opportunities for a team to score runs and limit runs scored against them during the game. You need to look at the totality of the game and not point the finger at one event as determining the outcome. Thats not what the great coaches do. Softball is a complex game where 100's of pitches are thrown and a multitude of plays happen every inning. But apparently none of that matters, it's the umpires fault for that one incorrect call that cost the team the game. Give me a break. Thats a losers mentality. You got beat because the other team was better than yours that particular day.

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