Yes another Ump gripe.... (look away if ya need to)

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Nov 14, 2011
Have you ever played in a league or tournament where:

You bat the entire roster?

There is free substitution?

The last out is used as the courtesy runner?

The time limit is anything other than 1:40 finish the inning?

They use less than five warm-up pitches between innings?

It's a forfeit for playing short-handed?

The home team was determined by anything other than a coin flip?

Uniforms had to perfectly match, including undershirts and sliders?

The pitcher could get a new ball anytime she asks for one?

These are all "by the book" rules for various sanctioning bodies. If "rules are rules" then maybe you should start boycotting any games that employ these exceptions. Or do you just want the rules that you like enforced and let the other ones slide?

Then why is there a rule book in the first place if the umpires/TD are not going to follow them? It isn't about the parents/players "boycotting" games that don't follow the rules, it is about the umpires/TD not following the rules that are there. Just like GD stated, a list of rules are sent out to the coaches of the tournament BEFORE it starts. The ones that I have been sent states that ASA rules will be followed and then list the modifications (game time limit, substitution rule, tie breakers, etc.)

If it doesn't state a modification of the rule they are using that is listed in the book, then that rule should be enforced? No? Again, nowhere have I seen IP's will not be called. Other posters here have stated that they were told by the UIC not to call IP. So why is that not listed in the rule modifications that are given to the coaches?

My guess? There are some umpires that don't like the IP rule, and they will NEVER call it. Many posters here have openly stated that they think the rule should be removed from the ASA rule book and that leaping should be allowed like in other countries. That is fine to have that opinion, but then change the rule. There are meetings held every year to cover rule changes and additions. Just attend the meeting and have that rule removed/modified if you don't like it. Until then, do your job correctly and call it.
Mar 2, 2013
I'm starting to really agree with you here. That's why I'm trying to get information from you ( umpires ) to find the root of the problem.

The root of the problem is that parents spend good money on pitching lessons for their daughters and the pitching coaches either don't correct poor/illegal mechanics or specifically teach them to cheat.

Throwing illegal pitches is cheating. It is improper. And it is initially and ultimately the responsibility of the player's coach to ensure that the pitcher is throwing legal. It is improper, unsportsmanlike and immoral to knowingly put a pitcher out there who is going to pitch illegally.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
What they say is, "this is a show case tournament. Don't bother with line up cards, courtesy runner restrictions, substitutions, calling illegal pitches, warm up pitches, etc."

Yes sir I can understand that for showcases. My fault I was not more clear. Im referring to normal weekend travel ball bracket play tourneys.

Showcases are a different animal on multiple levels.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
The root of the problem is that parents spend good money on pitching lessons for their daughters and the pitching coaches either don't correct poor/illegal mechanics or specifically teach them to cheat.

Throwing illegal pitches is cheating. It is improper. And it is initially and ultimately the responsibility of the player's coach to ensure that the pitcher is throwing legal. It is improper, unsportsmanlike and immoral to knowingly put a pitcher out there who is going to pitch illegally.

Yes sir again. But remind us all who "polices" those pitchers according to the rules? One can't really blame the PC's and coaches if no one punishes their wrong doing.
Dec 7, 2011
The root of the problem is that parents spend good money on pitching lessons for their daughters and the pitching coaches either don't correct poor/illegal mechanics or specifically teach them to cheat.

Throwing illegal pitches is cheating. It is improper. And it is initially and ultimately the responsibility of the player's coach to ensure that the pitcher is throwing legal. It is improper, unsportsmanlike and immoral to knowingly put a pitcher out there who is going to pitch illegally.

Ump - I agree with you HERE in theory BUT cheating and finding ways to beat the system is a strong visible part of our culture (soooo sad). Heck we continuously elect politicians and deify Hollywood who I think are the devil incarnate. And from this we expect our common citizens to "do the right thing".....

So until there is a morals return in this country, a true striving for NEEDING (and not just wanting) what is Right vs Wrong, we will continue to NOT be able to count on our masses to choose to do the right thing.

Therefore the silent majority in our population, NEEDS to NOT be silent anymore, and TAKE BACK our NEED and EXPECTATION for the performance of Right vs Wrong.

That is why I take on this fight on IP's and rules ignorance so passionately. It boils down to a fight over what we expect for ourselves as a culture.

Ump you sound exactly the same way except for you & I may have a different idea on how to get to the same goal.
Nov 1, 2013
We all know the Rule Book is for Championship Play.....that is what it states in the book. That means it used for national qualifiers, State, Regional and National Play. Regular weekend tourneys are not forced to use it.......really. It is up to the organizer of that specific's their choice. As Bretman shared.....there are plenty of rules not enforced......Teams and umpires need to decide if that is the tourney they want to participate in. "User beware."

And I do agree the TD should put all rule variances in writing as part of their promotion of their specific event. No surprises.

As an experienced umpire, I much prefer calling IPs and calling them early in the game. That makes everyone know the umpire is watching, engaged in the game and understands what is happening. It makes for an overall better experience.....even if the umpire gets lots of lip service when the IP is called.

Focus your energy to change how some tourneys enforce rules upon the tourney organizer.....and you may get the results you want.
Mar 26, 2013
But we don't have these problems calling IP's in baseball. I love my girls, I love this game, but I'll never understand WHY the difference in ideas of importance..........of the legality of on opposite ends of the spectrum.
The biggest difference is BB pitchers (beyond LL) have to hold runners. Most of the IP/balk calls in baseball occur before the pitcher goes into their delivery - the exceptions are usually for not delivering the pitch after they are committed to doing so.

The similarity is very few BB umpires at the youth level are capable of calling balks according to all the rules. They only call the obvious ones and there is similar angst over pitchers that get away with a balk move.

I'd categorize umpires regarding IP's as follows:

1) Oblivious: They aren't even looking for them either because they're not capable or they're lazy.

2) Mediocre: They're only capable of recognizing the most obvious ones.

3) Half-hearted: They call a few at the beginning to get the pitcher to change and only call the most obvious ones afterward.

4) High quality: They call them unless they've been told otherwise (e.g. showcase). They typically don't call as many when runners are on base because they're in a different position and also have to watch the runner(s).

The quality of the umpires vary by event. Top events usually get good umpires because of their relationship with the best umpire association and they're willing to pay for quality. Many TD's don't have a relationship like that and/or they shop for umpires by cost.
Mar 26, 2013
... As Bretman shared.....there are plenty of rules not enforced......
Bretman left off one of the biggest - the pregame equipment inspection. Pulling bats according to the rules always generates a huge uproar. Be careful what you ask for when you say "rules are rules."

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