Dd # 2 8 u

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Aug 1, 2008
One adjustment with your younger daughter. She raise's her hands when she go back on the load, then swings down hill..
Try to have her load straight back level with hands
See what that looks like.

May 18, 2009
I think she's looking pretty good but I'm no expert when it comes to swings. On the coach pitch, I would ask them, coaches, to pitch faster and in more of a straight line. This is fastpitch softball after all.
May 16, 2010
hey all, how is this grip, looks different compared to View attachment 2114 dd # 1

That is not a good grip. The grip is what is comfortable to each hitter within certain fundamental principles.

The bat is held in the fingers. The pressure should be felt between the base of the fingers and the first knuckles. Observing it from the view you showed, should be like either of the two below, but NOT like your DD is holding the bat.

The knuckles should be in a box, or the top knuckles should align with where a ring would be on the bottom hand.


May 22, 2012
Back at it again tonight with both girls. Battery ran out again but here is what I have. Curious if the sequence in mock swing #1 looks decent? OF course thoughts on the actual swing welcome. Trying to relate the throwing sequence here. What do you see?

May 16, 2010
Back at it again tonight with both girls. Battery ran out again but here is what I have. Curious if the sequence in mock swing #1 looks decent? OF course thoughts on the actual swing welcome. Trying to relate the throwing sequence here. What do you see?

Bat drag, and she collapses, bends the front knee. She needs to straighten that leg as soon as it gets weight on it.

The throw is done by locking the back elbow into the back hip and then internally rotating the forearm. IOW, elbow goes down and then the hand goes around that pivot point, and then the hands and elbow get pulled forward by the bat. The elbow does not lead the handle (bat drag).


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Youtube Torque drill Mike Epstein.Since your DD is 8 this will help her understand the correct bat lag position.As she progresses you can work on getting the bat off the deltoid.My DD batted a whole season from the torque position and did well.
May 22, 2012
this looks interesting, thanks rd.

DD # 2 swinging and missing (late) a lot and having her hands get hit occasionally on the inside pitch. Are these further symptomatic of Bat Drag?


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Untill others responded.Swinging and missing late could be bat drag. Bat drag is a long slow swing,escpecially against faster pitchers.Also may be deciding late when to swing. Always be thinking yes,yes,yes,then no at the plate.Every pitch your DD should be loading and going to toe touch with the hands back.She should be ready to swing on every pitch with the hands back.Hands getting hit on inside pitch.This could be a hands casting problem.Hands have to be inside the ball.Arms extented early instead of a being in a power-vee position leading to a good bat LAG position.Also could be position at plate.DD maybe standing to close.Should stand at plate the same distant everytime.Just may guesses.

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