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Mar 11, 2010
Have you abandoned the "cat"? Poor kitty! ;)

Okay...so... a "soft core pulse" helps to change the direction of the barrel. Which direction is the barrel moving during/after the core pulse? It seems to me, a "core pulse" (if that's the only action happening) would tip the barrel toward the opposite batters box. Is this correct? What happens next?

Eric, I do believe you understand the concept but feel it doesn't fit with traditional rear leg/hip, coil etc... The core movement pattern is all about sequencing from the middle and allowing the rear leg/hip coil etc. take care of itself.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Eric, I do believe you understand the concept but feel it doesn't fit with traditional rear leg/hip, coil etc... The core movement pattern is all about sequencing from the middle and allowing the rear leg/hip coil etc. take care of itself.

I think you make a fair and valid point. Part of my struggle with some of the actions you describe is that they don't feel (to me) like my idea of what a swing should feel like, and I have trouble seeing them in the swings that I use as models. As for understanding the concept you're trying to convey, I'm sorry, but that's something I'm still struggling with, too. Believe it or not, though, I do get my but off my chair and try to feel these things.
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Eric, I do believe you understand the concept but feel it doesn't fit with traditional rear leg/hip, coil etc... The core movement pattern is all about sequencing from the middle and allowing the rear leg/hip coil etc. take care of itself.

Terminology again, is it "crunch" or my favorite still "scrunch". I am finding out how important this action is.

It seems a bit like a push pull effect on the butt muscles, that need the hams for support.

I do not know about coil taking care of itself, gluing the femur along for the ride still seams to be a teach so far.


Apr 26, 2012
Terminology again, is it "crunch" or my favorite still "scrunch". I am finding out how important this action is.

It seems a bit like a push pull effect on the butt muscles, that need the hams for support.

I do not know about coil taking care of itself, gluing the femur along for the ride still seams to be a teach so far.

I like scrunch too. The fact is, some high level coaches do not teach coil. I know this to be true after spending several hours with a well known MLB private hitting coach. That is not to say that most do not teach it. There is a way to get tight hip coil and subsequent release without using the hips as a cue. It involves core muscles contraction, but the core muscles I am referring to are not the abdominal wall muscles, but those in the back. TDS acknowledges that there is frontal plane forward press, and it's been suggested that there is also a rearward counter press or "lateral bend".

I think you can see front scrunch and rear scrunch below. There is sagittal plane movement with the tilt of the pelvis, but I don't feel any abdominal contraction until the final "thrust" or PPT. Austin Wasserman has coined the term SagFrontal plane in his high level throwing book, so maybe we can agree that there is both at work, even if we don't agree which is dominant.



Mar 11, 2010
I like scrunch too. The fact is, some high level coaches do not teach coil. I know this to be true after spending several hours with a well known MLB private hitting coach. That is not to say that most do not teach it. There is a way to get tight hip coil and subsequent release without using the hips as a cue. It involves core muscles contraction, but the core muscles I am referring to are not the abdominal wall muscles, but those in the back. TDS acknowledges that there is frontal plane forward press, and it's been suggested that there is also a rearward counter press or "lateral bend".

I think you can see front scrunch and rear scrunch below. There is sagittal plane movement with the tilt of the pelvis, but I don't feel any abdominal contraction until the final "thrust" or PPT. Austin Wasserman has coined the term SagFrontal plane in his high level throwing book, so maybe we can agree that there is both at work, even if we don't agree which is dominant.


Coachbob, for me in my swings the key is trying to keep the barrel working within the sagittal plane through the launch. I know there is allot more going on in regards to the core actions. My experience has been if one deviates from trying to work the barrel within the plane, the body/arms/hands are no longer working together optimally to whip the barrel.

May 4, 2012
"Austin Wasserman has coined the term SagFrontal plane in his high level throwing book, so maybe we can agree that there is both at work", - that would certainly be easier to understand and is what happens when you do Noon's bb/a$$
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
I like scrunch too. The fact is, some high level coaches do not teach coil. I know this to be true after spending several hours with a well known MLB private hitting coach. That is not to say that most do not teach it. There is a way to get tight hip coil and subsequent release without using the hips as a cue. It involves core muscles contraction, but the core muscles I am referring to are not the abdominal wall muscles, but those in the back. TDS acknowledges that there is frontal plane forward press, and it's been suggested that there is also a rearward counter press or "lateral bend".

I think you can see front scrunch and rear scrunch below. There is sagittal plane movement with the tilt of the pelvis, but I don't feel any abdominal contraction until the final "thrust" or PPT. Austin Wasserman has coined the term SagFrontal plane in his high level throwing book, so maybe we can agree that there is both at work, even if we don't agree which is dominant.


I was playing with that myself today, and I can definitely see in Cabrera's swing. lat bend.:)

I have been teaching front scrunch rear scrunch, as I used to teach shoulder down and in.

Do YOU ever teach coil? I do, but I have a large range of ages and experience. so I might with most but lately more stretch and fire, at first.


attaching that femur with the hamstring for core support for hip extension seems like a good idea?

Bonds achieves a big flex angle.


Apr 26, 2012
I was playing with that myself today, and I can definitely see in Cabrera's swing. lat bend.:)

I have been teaching front scrunch rear scrunch, as I used to teach shoulder down and in.

How is that going? Are the girls responding to it? You can Really see how the lateral scrunch releases the rear hip coil and sends it flying.

Do YOU ever teach coil? I do, but I have a large range of ages and experience. so I might with most but lately more stretch and fire, at first.

I do cue on coil to my team girls, but am experimenting with leaving it out of the equation with my son right now. Not that he doesn't get to rear hip stretch, but I am using some different cues and not focusing on the amount of crease. I don't have a lot of kids like you do, so it's interesting to hear how they respond to the various cues.

View attachment 7828

attaching that femur with the hamstring for core support for hip extension seems like a good idea?

Bonds achieves a big flex angle.

Not sure I'm understanding you here. What do you mean attaching femur with hamstring?
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Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
How is that going? Are the girls responding to it? You can see Really see how the lateral scrunch releases the rear hip coil and sends it flying.

I do cue on coil to my team girls, but am experimenting with leaving it out of the equation with my son right now. Not that he doesn't get to rear hip stretch, but I am using some different cues and not focusing on the amount of crease. I don't have a lot of kids like you do, so it's interesting to hear how they respond to the various cues.

Not sure I'm understanding you here. What do you mean attaching femur with hamstring?

I should have wrote a bit clearer, when you tighten the coil, it attaches your leg in a manner that as the early hip rotation happens, your leg moves with the rotation, keeping that femur, with the hamstring(which supports hip extension) in a great location.
As opposed to a loss of hip flex, with no coil, and a leg left behind.

A cheat would be driving a knee, such as a kick drill.

Ya, lots of girls, I find it interesting also, what "cues" works with specific kids, what "clicks" when they finally get the feel, and I see that very new to me still, snap that happens with proper core actions.

Shoot, I still have kids around me, that I taught to rotate around a strong front side axis, with tilt.
Its ajourney, but I have come along way from squish the bug and hands to the ball, mostly from this site and BBD.

So a no coil cues player I have is would be one of my slappers. just standing there, Just stretch and fire,45 she can really rope the ball, with a fast powerful whip.
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