Yes another Ump gripe.... (look away if ya need to)

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Dec 7, 2011
It's disappointing to me that some are so quick to criticize the umpires and blame them for their team failure(s). My experience with umpires is that most are pretty good, knowledgeable about the rules, are fair and cordial to the coaches, and control the game well. They are human and will occasionally make mistakes, that's part of the game. No game is decided by one bad call, ever. There are 7 innings for your team to play solid defense and to score many runs on offense. As long as umpires are consistent with both teams and are trying to do enforce the rules as they have been taught, cut them some slack. If you are a coach and have to use officiating as an excuse for your team's poor performing, shame on you.

Did you take too many doses of "happy-meds" today? Should we all join hands and sing Kumbaya on this site. I am of the sort that I believe ALL folks are good folks at heart. They have to prove me wrong to sway me from this initial assumption I have with everyone. BUT goshdarnit - people need to grow a layer of skin or two and be able to talk critically about what they do in life. I make mistakes and I will want to know about it. Umps should too.

So I say "tough beans". Just like being a politician or a policeman,.. etc. Some roles in life come along with tough responsibilities - if they are too tenuous then go get a job serving happy meals....

(I think I can say this as I WAS an ump for a while)

No game is decided by one bad call, ever.

This has got to be one of the most incorrect statements I have seen in a long time.....
Dec 7, 2011
The problem with this thinking is that there are right handed batters and left handed batters and teams in both dugouts so each team's on deck batter would have to switch on deck circles mulitiple times an inning to always have the on deck batter warming up with their back to the batter. This would slow the game down and be inefficient. I would not change this rule. Use the on deck circle closest to your dugout.

RT ya make it tough man - is this the most ridiculous statement you have made on this thread or was it the other one......?

Girls in a batting order know who they follow - they go right to the appropriate spot and no efficiency is lost.

In your defense maybe, has your experience so far been only in 8U ??
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I'm now going to open up the same question for ANY of our umpire friends to shed some light. It's been said TD have the authority to modify the pitching rules. So my question is "how are the TD relaying the message of no IP's to you ( the umpire )"? They walk up to you and say ___________________????

Feb 7, 2013
Did you take too many doses of "happy-meds" today? Should we all join hands and sing Kumbaya on this site. I am of the sort that I believe ALL folks are good folks at heart. They have to prove me wrong to sway me from this initial assumption I have with everyone. BUT goshdarnit - people need to grow a layer of skin or two and be able to talk critically about what they do in life. I make mistakes and I will want to know about it. Umps should too.

So I say "tough beans". Just like being a politician or a policeman,.. etc. Some roles in life come along with tough responsibilities - if they are too tenuous then go get a job serving happy meals....

(I think I can say this as I WAS an ump for a while)

This has got to be one of the most incorrect statements I have seen in a long time.....

A couple of points:

Why all the umpire bashing, you had a bad tournament and want to place blame on someone not part of your team?

There are at least 42 outs in a regulation softball game and you want to place the whole outcome of the ball game on one call an umpire made. How about the coaching decision to attempt to steal 3rd base and your baserunner got thrown out or bringing the outfield in and the ball is hit over the left fielders head, or the batter failed to get down the sac bunt successfully, etc. the point being that one play or call does not make a game. Pretty weak to blame the umpire for a weakness in your team and/or coaching. Take responsibility and control of the situation and don't leave it up to others to decide your fate in game

Lastly, having the offensive team use the opposing teams on deck circle is a complete non issue to me. Lots of other rule changes I would be concerned about before this. By the way I have managed or assistant coached many teams over the past 6 years and have some experience about how this game is played.

Big thank you to the umpires who work my teams games. Without you, my DD could not play this great game. Most of us coaches and parents appreciate your time and commitment to the game.

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