Yes another Ump gripe.... (look away if ya need to)

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Mar 1, 2013
Realistically, the batter's box is a place where the on deck batter "may be", not where they are "required to be" while waiting for their turn at bat. If you are concerned about them getting hit, don't send them out.
Jun 24, 2013
Switch Hitter - I thought that might be where Rocketech1 was going, it is only been an Issue we had to deal with a few times and pulled the player into the dugout. Nothing to do with the umpire.

We are not jumping back and forth on deck circles in an at bat.
Jun 1, 2013
What do you do when a switch hitter changes sides of the plate in the middle of an at-bat?

Agree with Comp that you will have a hard time finding a rule set that doesn't restrict the on-deck batter to their side of the field.

(And here I thought that we were supposed to be dealing with the knowledgable coaches on this site...)

Think of this as a safety issue. Which would you consider to be more safe:

- Allow a player to randomly swing a bat anywhere on the field they please, where an unsuspecting player might "walk into one" and get nailed, or restrict the swings to one specific spot so that players around the batter have a reasonable expectation to avoid that specific area?

- Allow a player to walk behind the plate to get to the other side while warm-up pitches are being thrown, at the risk of being hit by a wild pitch, or keep them on one side of the field away from an area where an errant throw might get them?

But I will try to stay open minded here. Why do you think this is a bad idea?

As a coach he may only play in one organization. So your comment after that was not necessary.
Which is safer Bretman?
Waiting for the catcher to throw the warm up pitch back to the pitcher before crossing
Staying in the batters circle on 3rd base side with a left handed batter that is "behind" the ball?

Sure pitchers throw hard but nowhere near the speed of that ball coming off the bat. Close call this weekend, with a fouled off line drive ball that almost hit on deck batter. Safety first. As far as switch hitting is concerned, put her back in her dugout or when the batter calls time to switch send on deck over then.
Jun 1, 2013
But back to the the question, since umps prostitute themselves out to organizations by intentionally not calling IP's. What is the point of having rules and or umps when the they are both influenced by the person signing the checks. If a tournament is U-trip or ASA, they should follow the rules regardless of UIC and TD. The only thing TD should influence is game times, brackets, etc.... not the rules and to allow it is nothing more than bribery. They should not sanction any park the willfully disregards rules.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I don't have a huge problem if a TD UIC "modify" pitching long as THAT information is clear prior to the tournament. I want to see it on the advertisement (via website) of the tournament or in my coaches packet. Then I can make my choice to enter, or bullpen accordingly. I DON'T want some special backroom instructions given ONLY to the umpires.

When I see a tourney listed as "playing under _____ rule set", I EXPECT all those rules to be enforced without question.
Jun 22, 2008
Easton, you seem to be missing the point of unless it is championship play, the TD can change any rule they like. Our job is to administer the rules that apply to the games we are officiating. If the TD choses to not call illegal pitches, those are the rules we are to follow.

If umpires cause such consternation in your life, perhaps you have chosen the wrong sport for you child to play.
Mar 26, 2013
In the ASA book, it is Rule 12. Even for championship play, the local commissioner may use or omit whatever rules they choose.
Not true. ASA Code has been modified the last couple of years to provide more flexibility for championship play at the local level, but it does not allow them to make whatever changes they want.
Jun 22, 2008
Comp, just out of curiosity, how do the TD's word to you not to call IP's? As close to the exact quote as you can please.

Going, the only time working a tournament I have been told not to was at a college showcase and it was basically along the lines of, this is a showcase, we arent worried about what the pitchers are doing.

Working friendlies I get told all the time they dont want pitchers called. You would think that is exactly when the coaches do want them called so they can fix it in practice, but generally seems to be the exact opposite.

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