OT: baseball rules violation results in forfeit

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Sep 24, 2013
Sounds like they knew and being disqualified will hopefully keep them from trying it again.

C'mon, you can brag about your son having the game winning AB! ;)

Speaking of baseball, I'm surprised MLB is holding their All-Star Game at a minor league team's park this year. jk

Happens a lot SoCal-they held it in KC last year :)
Nov 6, 2013
Baja, AZ
Cheaters need to be called out on it. teach the kids the proper lessons-not cheat to win. The bad guy here is the person making the decision to cheat knowing his kids and parents likely knew what he was doing was wrong.

And in these tournies they publish pitch counts during the game and advertise them to curb cheating. bet this gets called on more than we think and it is what the governing bodies want-cheaters to get caught and be punished. Too bad a parent didn't stop the coach before it punished the kids too. Turning your head to a wrong doesn't make you right-it makes you part of the wrong as well.

Nicely stated. The coach had choices before overusing the pitcher. Regardless of the team's depth, he could've played by the rules and had the SS pitch an inning in some game that day - if he wanted to use his "best" pitcher to close the day. The coach goofed and should rightfully suffer the consequences.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Having 4 daughters my purely anecdotal baseball experience with my nephew tells me that most of the folks in the stands and certainly all of the coaches knew the kid was out of pitches when he toed the rubber. Not only was the coach an idiot for doing it, how arrogant thinking he would get away with it. Kind of like driving on the interstate and passing a State Trooper doing 20mph over the speed limit.
May 6, 2014
Low and outside
I tend to disagree that this is a "hollow" victory. It's not your team's fault the other coach didn't have enough confidence in his secondary pitchers. If your 10th (10th!) option at pitcher held them to 5 runs over 5 innings, then you were clearly deeper in talent, even if their front line was better than yours.

Ten options at pitcher? DS has played on teams that were lucky to have more than three.

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