Have they changed the rules on rolling bats?

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Sep 24, 2013
According to the rule as read from Gunners post, knowing is the responsibility of the owner so there is no such thing as plausible deniability.

So were to take a bat apart to see if its rolled/shaved? The good companies claim they can remove a cap with no indications of removal and remove rattling with a polymer coating. Is there local testing facilities?

I agree with your comment but dont see how a league can claim negligence with no visible indications of alteration. When they wrote those rules alterations were easy to spot-not so much these days.
Mar 26, 2013
If a bat exceeds the standard it risks being banned by ASA, essentially turning it into a $299 paperweight.
Many/most bats improve after they are broken in. The manufacturers didn't change the bat to not improve - they had to modify them so they wouldn't exceed the standard after they were broken in. In fact, USSSA just incorporated ABI into their new certification process and that is apparently the main change in their bat performance because it's still 1.20 BPF.

The skill of the bat roller determines how well the bat will perform and whether it can be detected or not. I expect there are some bat rollers that get more out of a bat than the guys in the certification labs doing ABI. YMMV


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
To prevent myself from making too many enemies on this site, I wish for all of you ____ ___ ___s that want to cheat and roll bats the same thing for your child that happened to mine from a ______ that hit a line drive which hit her square in the face. The parents bragged so much to her team's parents and then my dd went down. As I have reported here before, the dad grabbed the bat, sprinted for the car and was gone. Since I have so many friends of players on that team, they ran over to me to tell me about the bat and that he was running with the bat.

To answer the other question, any umpire that thinks any equipment is altered and dangerous can have it confiscated and/or thrown out. Many of your conferences have protocol at the HS level for those bats to be turned in and tested should some umpire have it confiscated. For my dd, everyone was rushing to her and so, the ___hole dad got to grab and run.

I'll leave this thread now since the last time this topic came up, I showed my ____ by getting really angry.

Cheating is cheating. Go ahead and justify it anyway you want. It is against the rules. ______ _________- ______ _____
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May 24, 2013
So Cal
Thank you for stepping in to the thread, Cannonball. I know this is a VERY sensitive subject for you. People need to hear what can happen at the other end of the bat.

(Edited for clarity of content)
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Jul 2, 2013
We were on a team a couple years ago and a parent paid money to have his DD's bat rolled. I looked at the bat when it returned and it looked no different and was no different feel from a new bat. If you can see a "concave" bat then you have better eyes than I do. I have never seen a "concave" bat (other than the boat oar Rocketech), but that isn't because of rolling.

My experience with youth baseball, is the bats are more closely scrutinized than softball. It was not uncommon to see the umpire visit each dugout and inspect the bats. They do know many of the signs, so it is always best to be legit.

Mostly, in baseball, they were looking for bats with dents in them. A dented bat, when hit just perfectly on the edge of the dent, can be dangerous.

Have not seen much of an issue in softball, short of an opposing coach making a point of it to umpires if they think someone has a hot bat. It usually starts from a coach, in my opinion. Not so in baseball, it seems, as certain umpires are pretty strict.

Altering bats is stupid.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Thank you for stepping in to the thread, Cannonball. I know this is a VERY sensitive subject for you, but people need to hear the other side of the equation.

This really will be my last post on this. Eric, I know that most of the parents here have not seen a player hit in the face and yet some have. To have my dd get hit like that and drop. It almost makes your heart stop. She hit the ground so fast. Some of you might remember, I posted a link to it on this site from a local newspaper that had it videoed. All I wanted as I ran out to her was that she was not dead.

I know better than enter these types of topics. Someone will say that the bat could not be hotter than a normal bat. Others will make other points. OK so have some bats rolled and give them to your opponents while your child is pitching. It should not matter at all to you.
Jul 1, 2010
No excuse for rolling or shaving. I've heard parents bragging about getting little Susie's bat rolled, even offering to take other player's bats in for them.

If the player will spend the time getting the 300-500 hits to break it in, guess what? Maybe they'll be able to hit something out of the infield without cheating.

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