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May 22, 2012
hey rd!!! yeah it was just that. DD has a tendency to pull out and/or add a bit too much lateral tilt. She worked hard (over the course of this thread) to get a fair amount of tilt into the swing but sometimes over does it.
Feb 7, 2013
pstein, thanks for weighing in and offering the vote of confidence. I'm certainly not planning on overhauling anything, especially with Little DD here as i would never want her to lose her aggressive swing, just tweaking.

From the feedback I am getting it seems like they both need to work on getting the shoulders to rotate a bit more and the hands dropping less, during pitch plane recognition.

I'm glad you went with your gut instincts and continued to work with your DD on her hitting mechanics. She looks great 1 year later.

When my DD was 8YO and after struggling to get base hits in all stars, I took her to a hitting instructor and within 6 months she was a much better hitter. My advice is to show them correct mechanics when they are young so as not to ingrain poor mechanics into their swing which gets harder to correct as each season passes.
Last edited:
Jan 13, 2012
She's doing well. I noticed that in the second video, she's turning the front knee inward. That can inhibit the rear leg from winning (some call it a RLWI or rear leg winning inhibitor). I wouldn't recommend making that part of a normal swing. Otherwise, I like these swings.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
A "soft core pulse"???? You MIGHT be trying to be helpful, I completely believe you make it up as you go, BUT it is about helping this girl. Do you think her dad knows what a "soft core pulse" is? Man that sounds explicit!

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