Throwing the ball to an unoccupied base

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
If she makes the correct throw and it is not executed well (by fielder or a bad throw) I still want the correct throw. That is how they get the experience to make the right play. Just remember that sometimes the right throw is no throw (in that close game with 2 outs and a fast girl stealing third).

Sometimes it will hurt the actual game you are playing right now, but long term it will be more beneficial.

That goes for all other positions on the field as well - especially at the younger age groups. As a coach it is good to be able to say "That is the right play - we'll work on the execution - next time you are in that situation I want you to do exactly the same thing" (Great is when the execution of the play works as well and you don't have to say anything but clap a great job).

I remember the first time my team got a double play on the 2-base walk/girl on third play in 10U last September. Took us 2 practices sessions and 6 game attempts before we got one - but after that it was rare we didn't get an out and stop the run scoring (and in the end no one ran on us). No way we get to the point where we could execute that with out the green light to go ahead and try.

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