Team Selection

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Apr 20, 2018
I don't know if anybody has already said this but what does your DD want to do? What does she think about moving to a new team? Will this be a group decision?
I would ask the other coaches to keep any tryout one on one and strictly confidential. Ask lots of questions. How many pitchers? Will she hit? Will she play her secondary position? Etc. Don't be shy. Maybe sneek out and watch the potential team play without them knowing you are there. See how coaches behave.
TBS, college coaches do not attend 14u games often. A 14u pitcher that is throwing 65 plus or a hitter that hits mostly HRs might get some attention from the p5 schools.
May 20, 2016
Realistically during the showcase process, any coach that your DD is writing doesn't care how good or bad a team that you are playing on as a pitcher. They are not coming to see a team win a game. They are there to track speed, movement, interaction before and after game.
Jun 4, 2024
Realistically during the showcase process, any coach that your DD is writing doesn't care how good or bad a team that you are playing on as a pitcher. They are not coming to see a team win a game. They are there to track speed, movement, interaction before and after game.
Hmmm ??‍♀️actually have experienced being on certain teams with particular certain coaches CAN influence college coaches attention.

Particularly because making certain teams (in a way) qualifies a player to at least a certain talent level. To then plan time to attend watching player the coach has some sort of expectation of level if they want to plan their time to see that.

* this doesn't mean that everybody has to be on the best teams to get noticed. Just saying that it can influence how a coach will spend their time = allotment of time.
*This is why going to camps is good because it can bring the player in front of a coach who may not otherwise make the time to go watch. At camps can grab their attention so that they can in the future plan allotment of their time.
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Dec 2, 2013
That is true! ? it was pretty much newspaper articles, Word of Mouth, and live recruitment!

However there have been many catching students since that invention! ?
It really is amazing to see how far this sport has come. My GF in college played for SHSU in the early 90's. She got offers for softball and volleyball. Back then in the Houston area Softball was not even a HS sport. Only Travel ball.
Jun 14, 2019
My 12u had to make this choice this year. We loved her coaches but her skill was very mismatched this year. The previous year she had been 10u and the other players were 2nd year 12u so it worked. This year all the other girls moved up and she was left with essentially a rec team when the new kids came. Her individual skills continued to grow which was fine, but she never clicked with the new team and was out of place. I knew it was time to go when she made her Little League All-star team. The other team's pitchers were throwing 55+ but she had not seen that speed at the C level tournaments she had been playing. So even though she had the skills she had not been using them and struggled at the plate. She got on base once when she is normally getting doubles and triples. I kind of realized she needed higher competition and also needed to be catching for girls throwing those speeds. She ended up making a 12B team for next season that she is very excited about. Looked like a solid group she could actually grow and move up with.

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