Throwing the ball to an unoccupied base

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May 30, 2012
My DD is a catcher, I have taught her on steals, busted plays, throw the ball to the correct spot regardless if anyone is there. If she stops to look and see if they are covering their bag, she has now lost momentum, is forced to double clutch waiting on the girl to cover, then the runner has advanced 15 extra feet and from my DD's lost momentum the result is a slow arm throw. Also, now that I finally have gotten her to throw where she needs to throw without looking, it shows where the real problem is..and that is with the infielders not getting there in time. Before the "coach" would say my DD is too slow with her throws so I video'ed it and showed him the infielder is too slow getting there. He says my DD should make sure somebody is there...I say throw it to the dang fence to show where the problem lies. Very interested in hearing thoughts on this...
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Aug 29, 2011
IF and C need to be on the same page which ideally should be done in practice. Yes C should just come up and throw to the bag. But giving up an extra base on every steal is also quite tiresome as coach.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I'm with Lou on this one. C needs to get that throw off as soon as possible, and trust that someone will be there to catch it. This something that needs to be practiced until it's automatic.
May 13, 2012
Stolen base, fielded bunt, swinging bunt, over ran base etc. I agree she throws, everyone has some place to be and should be there. Busted play I want her to make sure, no need to give the runner an extra base.
Jul 2, 2013
Throw, throw, throw... make the INF get there. This is a coaching issue.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. To second base, sure, a fielder will be there. To first base, sure, 1B should be there.

To 3rd base ... be careful. Lead the shortstop if the 3B is playing up. Throw to the third baseman if she is getting back to the bag. Wait until the LF is close enough if getting a runner from first. DON'T just wing it to third base, have no one on the bag, LET THE RUN SCORE, and say, "someone was supposed to be there".

Sigh ... catchers Dads.
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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Also agree, you throw to the base. It's the fielder's job to get there. If she misses a few there will be more incentive to get there on time.
Jan 7, 2013
I agree with two posts. Make the throw, IF should be there. Careful on third, but play should be called for SS to cover third if third is playing up. Busted play, always look for coverage. Get the free out.

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