How cold is too cold?

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Oct 10, 2011
hand warmers

3 stores later and some phone calls and I finally found hand warmers. Do these kids know what we do for them?
Oct 19, 2009
We’ve played in the mid 20’s I had one of the coolers that has a warmer in it I kept the balls in the cooler/warmer during games and plugged it into the car between games. The cold balls is what many claim is though on the bats so warm balls help to protect the bats and do not sting as much when you catch one.

Yes IMO it was too cold we warmed up 30 minutes before the game at 8 AM and the other team were out there an hour and a half before the game. We were 12 U playing up and won the game.
Aug 4, 2008
Now that I'm in my 60's and last year was my last in high school ball, I sure don't miss the games in the 30's. Heck we have played in snow storms. Not to show my age, but my oldest played in a snow storm when we still used white balls. Boy was it hard to see the ball coming in. I was teasing the umpire what large snowflake was that call. ! My wife use to buy hand warmers in bulk. I got a chuckle on where we put them. Tim ( boulderdad) is in CA. and they called the games there for rain. I thought Obama sad it was global warming and a drought last week.
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Aug 13, 2013
Here in Long Island, softball starts Monday!! But wait there is still snow on the field and more coming Monday! I would gladly play outdoors with a 40 degree temp if we had no snow on the ground! Dress warm...stretch properly....keep the girls moving and cut the practice time down!
Nov 14, 2011
Heck if it was 40 degrees here we would be outside practicing let alone a tryout. It has been below zero for most of the winter so for us 40 degrees sounds like a heat wave.

It may be a situation where the coach is trying to see who is ready to play vs. players who sit on the diamond and complain about the temps. If I saw a mediocre player that was constantly complaining about the temperature she wouldn't be on my team. I would rather take a player with similar playing ability that was wanting to be there. Temperature is a mental issue vs. a physical issue, especially at 40 degrees.
Oct 10, 2011

We had snow on the field last week but it's gone now. DD found out it was outside after she got home from school and just said, Yay!! !


Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
it really depends on many factors. Sunshine, 38 with no wind. We go. Night time 45 with 12 mph winds we stay home. All situations are different. We like cheap thick cloth Walmart tights under sliding shorts, socks, pants and layers up top with a good THICK Hoodie. Something to cover the ears and neck and we go at it. Just did it on Wednesday night. It was very cold so no hitting or hard hit grounders for their sake but a lot of throwing and base running.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Definition of sweater: What a child wears when the parents are cold.

The kids will be fine...
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