Great People here at DFP

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Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
As I review my handouts each year, I'm always amazed how many points get updated based on what's been shared on this site! It's also fun to come across an old (or not-so-old) post and say to myself, did I really think that?

Not only do I appreciate the wealth of info from those who've shared, but also those who post great questions looking for advice. It's a great place to learn and share.
Last edited:
Dec 3, 2012
Sydney Australia
I live in Australia and while popular softball is nowhere near as big as it is in the US and clinics etc are rare to non existent so DFP is my main source for knowledge about all aspects of the game.
I would like to thank all the posters on the hitting technical and practical pages, who am I kidding all the posters from all the pages really. I have learned so much about softball from lurking around this forum over the past few months, taking in the info trying it out and keeping or discarding it depending on how it worked for my DD and her teammates.
Thanks again everyone.
Jul 4, 2012
Rarely a day goes by that I don't check on what's new here. Not sure I've ever helped anyone here, but thanks to the folks here, I've helped DD in more ways than one.

We should have a DFP Certification...
Jun 23, 2013
I spend most of my time on the pitching forum, but I peruse everything from time to time. I'm sure I'll miss someone in my list, but these folks have been the most helpful to me:

Pitching--Rick Pauly, KenB, Boardmember, Hillhouse, javasource, bucket pinata, Amy, RubberBiscuit, Boomers2012, Doug Romrell, and sluggers.

Hitting--FFS, straightleg, and rdbass

Generally all-around interesting folks--JJsqueeze, redhotcoach, coach james, knightsb, cannonball, Greenmonsters and Eric F

Special thanks to Casedawg51 for hooking my DD with a Vinci and to Comp for being a reasonable voice in the Rules forum.

Thanks to all of you!


Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
I'd say thanks to so many but I am afraid I would miss someone so I will not name names. I will say this is more than a place to entertain like to many other sites. It is a place to learn. Although there are can be some really good "entertainment" sometimes with the witty remarks made for fun. I have found so many here who can help with technical things, social things, team dynamics, coaching and much more. I also find it to be about the sport and not so much about anyone's ego (obviously some exceptions to this generalization but for the most part I see this as true) or desire to blast anyone intentionally. I LOVE DFP and all who are involved. Hopefully one day I will get to meet some of your weirdos, oops...I meant cool people, out there... :p


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
I'd say thanks to so many but I am afraid I would miss someone so I will not name names. I will say this is more than a place to entertain like to many other sites. It is a place to learn. Although there are can be some really good "entertainment" sometimes with the witty remarks made for fun. I have found so many here who can help with technical things, social things, team dynamics, coaching and much more. I also find it to be about the sport and not so much about anyone's ego (obviously some exceptions to this generalization but for the most part I see this as true) or desire to blast anyone intentionally. I LOVE DFP and all who are involved. Hopefully one day I will get to meet some of your weirdos, oops...I meant cool people, out there... :p

I'll save you a seat,
Mar 28, 2013
i'd say thanks to so many but i am afraid i would miss someone so i will not name names. I will say this is more than a place to entertain like to many other sites. It is a place to learn. Although there are can be some really good "entertainment" sometimes with the witty remarks made for fun. I have found so many here who can help with technical things, social things, team dynamics, coaching and much more. I also find it to be about the sport and not so much about anyone's ego (obviously some exceptions to this generalization but for the most part i see this as true) or desire to blast anyone intentionally. I love dfp and all who are involved. Hopefully one day i will get to meet some of your weirdos, oops...i meant cool people, out there... :p

wierd is a side effect of awsome !!!!!!!

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