Coaching Error ? - Do I Understand Softball ?

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Feb 7, 2014
I'm watching the Florida - LSU game... Fuller hits her third home run of the game to tie it up.

I understand walking her brings the game leading run to the plate, but tell me this... why are they even pitching to her?
Apr 8, 2013
It's the classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.

Last week my youngest was in a tight ball game with an older, bigger, better team. We were up 1 in the last inning and their best hitter came up bases empty two outs. She was on fire all tournament, everyone knew it. We "unintentionally" walked her. She stole second on the first pitch in the next at bat. Then a grounder found its way through the infield and she scored on the play. We ended up losing in extras. Several parents were upset for not pitching to her and putting the tying run on base.

If it had worked, those same parents would be calling the coach a genius. As always, the best coaches at the game are the ones who can tell you what they would have done after everything's already happened. Those coaches continue to be undefeated.
Feb 7, 2013
True story. 10U All-Star Tournament Championship Game. We are up 4-2, 2 outs, bases loaded in the top of 7th inning. Opposing team's best hitter is at the plate who had already hit 2 doubles her previous at bats. Coach decides to walk her, run scores. Now we are up 4-3, bases still loaded. Next batter hits a high chopper to 3rd base, who fields the ball and who just beats the runner to 1st base, 3 outs, we win.

Sometimes you need to play the odds to win games....

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
You pays your money and you takes your chances. Sometimes you'll have the right strategy called but the other team just won't cooperate. Or the softball gods will decide it's time to have a laugh at your expense and let a horribly struck ball drop just inside the line.

No coach is ever going to be right 100% of the time. You make the best decision you can with the information you. And if the parents ask you about it, you can tell them if you had known that would be the outcome you would've done something else. But unlike them, you had to make your decision BEFORE the next pitch played out.

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