Bias - Everyone is biased

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Jun 18, 2012
It seems like a rant because there is no explanation to the question. It comes across like how the thread about illegal pitches spawned a "leaping is no advantage" rant.

So "bias" isn't an appropriate/legitimate topic here? Who gets to decide that? My main point is that it is complete nonsense to proclaim, "I'm not biased." Everyone is, including me.
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Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Bias can be a double edged sword.

When DD #3 started playing softball, I often had to explain to her that at first she would be living off of DD #1's reputation, until she was around long enough to have her own reputation.

OTOH, DD #2 avoided softball, because she knew she could never live up to the expectations people would have of her because of her sisters.
Feb 18, 2014
It seems like a rant because there is no explanation to the question. It comes across like how the thread about illegal pitches spawned a "leaping is no advantage" rant.

So "bias" isn't an appropriate/legitimate topic here? Who gets to decide that? My main point is that it is complete nonsense to proclaim, "I'm not biased." Everyone is, including me.

You have an issue behind the question. You just aren't saying what it is. It seems like you are trying to discredit someone or something that was said in another post.
Nov 12, 2013
i don't think i would like to be unbiased because to me that would mean i have been unaffected by my own life. of course i am biased towards characteristics i like.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Doug, if your point is to point out that we are all human and therefore, imperfect then you are right. Just like me thinking I was wrong once but I was wrong.
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Jun 18, 2012
You have an issue behind the question. You just aren't saying what it is. It seems like you are trying to discredit someone or something that was said in another post.

There are plenty of people out there who are due discrediting. Not all people are angels. Some are downright evil. That aside.....

I think "bias" is interesting. Further, as mentioned above, the claim "I'm not biased." is complete nonsense, just like the claim, "It's not fair."

Everyone else.... How about we all stick to the topic--BIAS. What are your thoughts regarding the points that have been made here about bias and those who claim they are not biased?
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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
There are plenty of people out there who are due discrediting. Not all people are angels. Some are downright evil. That aside.....

I think "bias" is interesting. Further, as mentioned above, the claim "I'm not biased." is complete nonsense, just like the claim, "It's not fair."

Everyone else.... How about we all stick to the topic--BIAS. What are your thoughts regarding the points that have been made here about bias and those who claim they are not biased?

Where are you looking to go with this? An intellectual discussion or a softball-specific issue? I have an admitted bias toward vanilla ice cream and labrador retrievers, but that doesn't mean that I can't objectively evaluate a softball player's skills relative to the criteria I believe are most important, which are admittedly subjective.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
The logical place to start is by looking at the definition. And, the definitions do not support the position that "everyone is biased".

Meriam Webster Dictionary Definition. bias: a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly

So, simply believing that people, ideas, etc. are better others is *not* bias. Bias requires "usually treating some people unfairly".

There are many, many people who rarely treat other people unfairly. So, based on the Meriam Webster definition of "bias", a large number of people are *not* biased.

Cambridge Dictionaries Online Definition bias: an unfair personal opinion that influences your judgment:

Again, under this definition of "bias", a person has to have both "an unfair personal opinion" and that the person allows that opinion to influence her/his judgment.

While I agree that most people have an "unfair personal opinion" about something, most people have learned not to let the opinion influence their judgment about anything important.

How about a great line from "The Rookie":

If I call the office and tell 'em I got a guy here almost twice these kids' age, I'm gonna get laughed at. But, if I don't call in a 98-mile-an-hour fastball, I'm gonna get fired!​
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