Bias - Everyone is biased

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Jun 18, 2012
Why do I think there is a story behind this post

There is a story behind every post.

Just a fact about bias. It is impossible for any of us, including you, to be unbiased. Further, there is a story behind every single post on this discussion board, because there are humans with experiences typing those posts. We are all prompted to post the posts that we do because there are stories behind them.

Does anyone here claim to be perfectly unbiased. Or, does someone here proclaim that he/she is the least biased person here? If so, step forward and proclaim it.
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Mar 26, 2013
I'll agree w/ OP that no one is totally unbiased in everything they do. However, I do believe people can make essentially unbiased evaluations in many cases.
Nov 29, 2009
Just a fact about bias. It is impossible for any of us, including you, to be unbiased. Further, there is a story behind every single post on this discussion board, because there are humans with experiences typing those posts. We are all prompted to post the posts that we do because there are stories behind them.

Does anyone here claim to be perfectly unbiased. Or, does someone here proclaim that he/she is the least biased person here? If so, step forward and proclaim it.

If you're talking about life in general, naturally I have bias towards many things.

When it comes to kids on my teams. None of them start off with any bias towards them. They have to earn that through either positive or negative dealings with them. Am I biased towards a player who works hard, hustles and has a great attitude. Absolutely!!! The opposite is true for the lazy, unmotivated and surly player.

There is one caveat. If I know there are parent issues. I will look at that player with a different thought process. It would be something along the lines of do I REALLY want to deal with the mom/dad/both of the player. Not so much about the player's abilities.
Jun 18, 2012
If you're talking about life in general, naturally I have bias towards many things.

When it comes to kids on my teams. None of them start off with any bias towards them. They have to earn that through either positive or negative dealings with them. Am I biased towards a player who works hard, hustles and has a great attitude. Absolutely!!! The opposite is true for the lazy, unmotivated and surly player.

There is one caveat. If I know there are parent issues. I will look at that player with a different thought process. It would be something along the lines of do I REALLY want to deal with the mom/dad/both of the player. Not so much about the player's abilities.

Sparky, Like me, you are biased in everything you do. You are disagreeing with that?

I believe statements like "I'm not bias." are a nonsensical as "It's not fair." We aren't the ones who get to decide whether or not we, ourselves, are biased. Yet, how are biased people going to accurately assess your bias or mine? I say it ain't possible.

grmerrill, Why refer to this as a "rant." I think it's an interesting topic. I'm constantly telling my college students that there isn't any such thing as an unbiased opinion.
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Nov 29, 2009
Sparky, Like me, you are biased in everything you do. The bias of those who have the power is the bias that can lead to abuses of that power. You are disagreeing with THAT?

For some reason you're throwing out a blanket statement without acknowledging there are some things people can be neutral on. I do agree with you that those in power can abuse it through their bias. But you cast a very large net when you say "Everyone" and you seem to infer "Everything" as well. Our society is too diverse to cast a net that wide.

From the general tenor of your postings on this subject I would have to guess something happened or someone made a decision that has effected you or your family in a negative way. The greatest number of your posts are positive, informational with the intent of helping others on the board.

Feb 18, 2014
It seems like a rant because there is no explanation to the question. It comes across like how the thread about illegal pitches spawned a "leaping is no advantage" rant.
Apr 28, 2014
I am biased. I am constantly telling my DD how the other girls are better than she is :D
Motivation LOL
Jun 18, 2012
For some reason you're throwing out a blanket statement without acknowledging there are some things people can be neutral on. I do agree with you that those in power can abuse it through their bias. But you cast a very large net when you say "Everyone" and you seem to infer "Everything" as well. Our society is too diverse to cast a net that wide.

From the general tenor of your postings on this subject I would have to guess something happened or someone made a decision that has effected you or your family in a negative way. The greatest number of your posts are positive, informational with the intent of helping others on the board.


Sparky.... Back 16 years ago, when I first coached (Yes, I was a dd coach), I used to mention in my parent meeting that "Sure, I'm biased, but so are you. Given that, how are you going to accurately assess my bias?" It seemed to help them understand the situation that my assistant coach (also a dd coach) and I were in. Judging someone's bias is, in and of itself, biased. And given the notion of subjectivity, no two people will assess another person's bias exactly the same way.

I'm throwing out the original "blanket statement" because it is true and it is an interesting subject, whether it be softball or basket weaving.

Are you under the impression that some people are perfectly unbiased? Given our own bias is ultimately determined by the people we interact with, how could you or anyone else be perfectly unbiased?
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