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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Here is the issue I have. When I'm looking at a tournament or set of tournaments to enter, I want to know what I'm getting into from the front. I want to know the format, price, awards, berths, game lengths, any modified rules. Pitching is a HUGE part of this game, I want to play against other legal pitchers so there is not even a question of "advantage" or not.

If TD or UIC are instructing the umps to not enforce the pitching rules, the TD should make that public knowledge BEFORE someone signs up and invests their money. When I see a tournament listed and it says "ABC org rules apply", then that should mean what? ABC rules apply and will be enforced.

Anyone have a link or even a form from the coach's packet showing "modified pitching rules"? I'd sure like to see what that looks like.
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May 27, 2010
out in keftfield------
I may be wrong on the delivery requirement, but, boy those rules are hard to digest. Come to think of it, wasn't one of the other pitchers (maybe in another game) not bringing her hands together for the one second? It was like a glide by? In that case, the umps ignored it and I have issue with that.

neither pitcher was called the whole game//// Rules are not hard to digest some one made some new onses/ state hs tournament. rules are not deviated from,

going deep== this was a state hs tournament , rules are the same from the book until the book is changed or at the , annual meetings and bulletins are forwarded to all not just one team
Looks like a duck, walks like a duck. just a simpleton who watched that whole game and about 5 of the calls were so side arm she threw the ball about 4 feet outside the outside batters box . all I know It did not look like anything close to a normal delivery and even my 11 year old DD pitcher saw one pitch and said that looks sidearm. I do agree either call it or not that's not fair to any player or team. Go ahead and legalize it, I really see no advantage in doing it.

Maybe it is more obvious looking at a whole game but if I am just looking at the clips from the highlights I am just not seeing it. Does it look like her curve delivery (my guess) is a little exaggerated, I guess, but from pitch to pitch it did not look like there was that much difference, and like I previously pointed out most curve deliveries put your wrist outside your elbow. I guess I could just take your word for it but IMO something just smells pretty rotten about the whole thing, especially after other comments about how other pitching violations by other teams were not being called some one had something against this team or girl and convinced the powers that be to single them out....like you said if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck...
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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
going deep== this was a state hs tournament , rules are the same from the book until the book is changed or at the , annual meetings and bulletins are forwarded to all not just one team

Yes, I understand. Our side of the state is pretty good on keeping pitchers legal in HS, the other side is a bit more liberal. Which is my point as far as TB is concerned too, if there are any modded pitching rules, then post them.

I posted this pic a few weeks ago, HS state pitcher of the year by the coach's association. With the power of the Internet I've seen she leaps quite often without being punished. That is not right, nor fair to pitchers who follow the rules that are on the books now. I will not post her name.

I want to make it clear that I have no problems with TD's modifying the pitching rules, but that should out in the open from the first announcement of the tournament. Not the day of the tourney, not the last few games, not when someone protests the legality.

I knew a girl who was a really good pitcher, just what you want. Tall, lanky, fast, good movement. Problem was she leaped about every 5-6th pitch. I was always afraid to pick her up because you never know who is going to enforce the rules or not. She still leaps and why, cause "they" let her.


May 27, 2010
So far i have only watched the 1st call, and i haven't seen an issue, if she is releasing and following through across the front of her body legal as all get out. You can not have a high profile instructor into an association and teach against the rules, if they were paid members they all were there and saw this instruction, before season ever started. If the officials don't understand the styles that are legal in a whip action delivery or the coaches, it's unrealistic they are even in the game. If no one trys this motion on themselves and sees what the lower arm does when the elbow leads the forearm down, if you are not going yo do this if it is illegal, then you go to a straight arm or locked arm motion, i don't think many on high levels are teaching that. If it's illegal tell BH about it if it's legal, re write the rule, don't do it all year and subject it to one game, some one else said what about all the previous teams, that's not the coaches problem THATS THE RULE BOOK, and officials or INSTRUCTORS, this pitcher didn't start this in 2 games would bet,
Mar 28, 2013
Maybe it is more obvious looking at a whole game but if I am just looking at the clips from the highlights I am just not seeing it. Does it look like her curve delivery (my guess) is a little exaggerated, I guess, but from pitch to pitch it did not look like there was that much difference, and like I previously pointed out most curve deliveries put your wrist outside your elbow. I guess I could just take your word for it but IMO something just smells pretty rotten about the whole thing, especially after other comments about how other pitching violations by other teams were not being called some one had something against this team or girl and convinced the powers that be to single them out....like you said if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck...

I completely agree that It does seem very unfair, Im sure that this pitcher was singled out by blue on that game due to sour grapes complaints by the teams they defeated.Does not seem right that should ever play a role but it does.The way I have to look at it to keep sane is the rules like the strike zone will always be at the umpires whim that day.the only option is to adapt ,overcome, improvise.(gotta love Clint Eastwood) The Team that does it the best usually will win. not much different than a muddy field in my opinion.What surprised me is the coach seemed very uninterested in doing anything about it.Was the #2 that bad that it was worth letting #1 go through that. Looked like the drop curve was the called pitch, Stop throwing it then.Do something don't just drive the train off the cliff.
May 18, 2009
I guess this umpire has never seen a screwball before. That's what I thought the release and finish looked like. I think it was a BS call.

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