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Mar 28, 2013
Has anyone looked at the Hillhouse video above, no one seems to want to comment on it?

Watch Episode 81 - Tips From Bill Hillhouse - The Fastpitch ... Video | Break.com

i agree somewhat,, but can you deplete your arsenal, 20 some games you've never had an issue only in one year, what about the previous years?????????????

Anything most likely will have a better outcome than martyring your pitcher. who knows she just might become a better pitcher because of having to adapt to tough circumstances. Taking the role of victim will just get you rocked.
Jan 25, 2011
One finger.
So what do you teach? Long, straight arm, hello elbow. I have to ask, because you seem to be trying to come up with something wrong with the proper way of pitching.


May 27, 2010
BUCKET PINATA//Anything most likely will have a better outcome than martyring your pitcher. who knows she just might become a better pitcher because of having to adapt to tough circumstances. Taking the role of victim will just get you rocked.

What does that have to do with the question//nothing

nanotech14 ///
So what do you teach? Long, straight arm, hello elbow. I have to ask, because you seem to be trying to come up with something wrong with the proper way of pitching.

And what does that have to do with the question

apparently neither of you care to comment on the wrist elboW by BH?



Jun 22, 2008
Yes, I understand. Our side of the state is pretty good on keeping pitchers legal in HS, the other side is a bit more liberal. Which is my point as far as TB is concerned too, if there are any modded pitching rules, then post them.

I posted this pic a few weeks ago, HS state pitcher of the year by the coach's association. With the power of the Internet I've seen she leaps quite often without being punished. That is not right, nor fair to pitchers who follow the rules that are on the books now. I will not post her name.

I want to make it clear that I have no problems with TD's modifying the pitching rules, but that should out in the open from the first announcement of the tournament. Not the day of the tourney, not the last few games, not when someone protests the legality.

I knew a girl who was a really good pitcher, just what you want. Tall, lanky, fast, good movement. Problem was she leaped about every 5-6th pitch. I was always afraid to pick her up because you never know who is going to enforce the rules or not. She still leaps and why, cause "they" let her.

Where are the pictures of what the umpire is seeing from his/her position, standing in a set position, not approx. 3-4' off the ground? Oh, and at real time, too.

Using a still from a position not available to an umpire is pretty weak in arguing why it may not be called.

For all the folks who think the rule is bad, just what type of experience do you have with rules and their evolution? Most rules are a direct result of an occurrence and a complaint concerning it on the field, not because some putz is sitting in the corner of a bar with a whim and fancy.

The 1936 rule reads:

Rule 8.
(f) In the forward swing of the arm, the hand shall be below the hip and the ball not more than 6 inches from the body (leg). A snap or jerky release of the ball at the hip is prohibited.
(g) The ball shall be delivered with a full-arm swing following through, and at no time in the forward swing shall the arm cross the front of the body.

Not far from what it is now, just a different measurement for the umpire to judge. Wonder why it was changed?

If this rule is so bad, what rule would you use to keep the pitcher from coming up and actually throwing side arm?

And before y'all go off on me, I've long been a proponent of moving back to at least 46' and let the pitcher do anything they want as long as they start their delivery with both feet in contact with the plate. But you will still have an issue with the pitch not coming underhand, and I have little doubt that some pitchers would turn the ball and wrist out to get a little more snap on the ball.


Jun 22, 2008
I agree the rule is bad. But when I read the rules, they just make more questions. It looks like rules were added to or modified over the years, rather than just write something simple that makes sense, even if you have to take whole sentences out of the prior rules and start over.

However, for that game, if it were a curveball or riseball or both, the coach should call something else. Get her out of the inning with fastballs, screws, change ups. Then talk about going forward and perhaps dump the problem pitches. Letting her twist in the wind was awful to watch.

I don't understand what is so hard about the wrist isn't to be farther from the body than the elbow. And it seems that people all want to concentrate on a rule that isn't there.


May 27, 2010
MTR//I don't understand what is so hard about the wrist isn't to be farther from the body than the elbow. And it seems that people all want to concentrate on a rule that isn't there.

Apparently the rule has been read to me wrong as everyone is quoting the wrist shall not extend further than the elbow, so why won't someone instead of talking about crowhopping and curve drops look at that video, does it have the plague with it or what?


May 27, 2010
The arm is not built in a straight line, so why does it have to straight to pitch legally?

They could use an angle at the elbow (or the hand has to stay below the elbow), because it looks like most curveballs, rollover drops and rises are illegal even though the "illegal" techniques are what Kempf, Hillhouse, etc. are teaching.

The rules are not about the two sentences in question (the whole pitching section was probably two sentences in 1936 or closer anyway). They go on for several paragraphs of bad, rambling, wording.

Probably, isn't that the truth

Like i said before, if you try or do this your self, in pull down mode with the elbow, and the lower arm creating the whip, where is your wrist in conjunction with your elbow, just like it shows on Hillhouse and Kempf material posted in this continued discussion

and BUCKET PINATA///"Anything most likely will have a better outcome than martyring your pitcher." She is not my pitcher, i have no connection with either team,, but i do have a connection as to this whole mess, absolutely absurd Needs to be cleaned up,, There is no other outcome to the game, going forward this should never happen change the rule book, change the methods, don't put the kids in these situations.
Feb 7, 2013
Has anyone looked at the Hillhouse video above, no one seems to want to comment on it?

Watch Episode 81 - Tips From Bill Hillhouse - The Fastpitch ... Video | Break.com


I think I see your point. Per ASA, section 3,E states "..and the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow".

If you are using good Internal Rotation, using a bent elbow, palm to the sky at 3:00 o'clock and whipping and the rotating the forearm through 6 oclock release, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to keep the wrist no farther from the body than the elbow. In fact the only way to technically achieve this is to have a completely locked elbow, which we all know is not the proper way to pitch and kills the arm whip action and velocity of the pitch.

While I am sure the intent of this rule is to prevent an exaggerated side arm or submarine type of pitch, one could argue that almost all high level pitches break the above cited rule and are technically illegal pitches. Or at least you got me thinking twice about this rule.....
Feb 7, 2013
Has anyone looked at the Hillhouse video above, no one seems to want to comment on it?

Watch Episode 81 - Tips From Bill Hillhouse - The Fastpitch ... Video | Break.com


I think I see your point. Per ASA, section 3,E states "..and the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow".

If you are using good Internal Rotation, using a bent elbow, palm to the sky at 3:00 o'clock and whipping and the rotating the forearm through 6 oclock release, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to keep the wrist no farther from the body than the elbow. In fact the only way to technically achieve this is to have a completely locked elbow, which we all know is not the proper way to pitch and kills the arm whip action and velocity of the pitch.

While I am sure the intent of this rule is to prevent an exaggerated side arm or submarine type of pitch, one could argue that almost all high level pitches break the above cited rule and are technically illegal pitches. Or at least you got me thinking twice about this rule.....


May 27, 2010
I think I see your point. Per ASA, section 3,E states "..and the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow".

If you are using good Internal Rotation, using a bent elbow, palm to the sky at 3:00 o'clock and whipping and the rotating the forearm through 6 oclock release, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to keep the wrist no farther from the body than the elbow. In fact the only way to technically achieve this is to have a completely locked elbow, which we all know is not the proper way to pitch and kills the arm whip action and velocity of the pitch.

While I am sure the intent of this rule is to prevent an exaggerated side arm or submarine type of pitch, one could argue that almost all high level pitches break the above cited rule and are technically illegal pitches. Or at least you got me thinking twice about this rule.....

Pretty obvious isn't it?


Funny instructors wouldn't study their own presentations to abide.

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