The ride looks like it is over

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Nov 4, 2015
What do I do now?? DD played her last high school game this week. Had a very good season, but the wheels were coming off the track a little at the end. DD is leaning towards not playing travel ball. Been coaching and practicing with her for the last 10 years and love the time we spent together. I know many on here have gone through this, or will go through it, but what do i now? Love my wife, but need a hobby!! Anyone still on here that found a hobby they weren't expecting after the softball was over? Don't care to play a lot of golf, but will have so spare cash that wont be going towards lessons, gloves, batting gloves, bats, uniforms, hotels and tournament fees!
May 13, 2023
Been coaching and practicing with her for the last 10 years and love the time we spent together.
? May those wonderful memories last forever!

I know many on here have gone through this, or will go through it, but what do i now? Love my wife, but need a hobby!! Anyone still on here that found a hobby they weren't expecting after the softball was over? Don't care to play a lot of golf, but will have so spare cash that wont be going towards lessons, gloves, batting gloves, bats, uniforms, hotels and tournament fees!
Hmmm I don't understand what that means yet softball being over? LOL but I have Incorporated some other things into the time I have available.

Astronomy and search for UFO sightings.
Go to National Parks and possible Sasquatch sightings.
Visiting peculiar landscapes like volcanoes and lava flow areas.
Camping and off roading.
Bird watching.

?? well it's things off my list that i enjoy. With some added Pizzazz of possibly seeing some rare anomalies.

Have you @eagle6 considered staying involved in softball in a capacity that can still include the intrinsic value of helping others succeed?!
May 27, 2013
My dh and I have been playing a lot of tennis. I played a bit in HS and he never played but it has been fun and great exercise. You could also try pickle ball.

Our kids still play in college but we are empty-nesters so needed a hobby! I think a puppy is next on our list. Would love to get back into the sport of Schutzhund.
Nov 4, 2015
? May those wonderful memories last forever!

Hmmm I don't understand what that means yet softball being over? LOL but I have Incorporated some other things into the time I have available.

Astronomy and search for UFO sightings.
Go to National Parks and possible Sasquatch sightings.
Visiting peculiar landscapes like volcanoes and lava flow areas.
Camping and off roading.
Bird watching.

?? well it's things off my list that i enjoy. With some added Pizzazz of possibly seeing some rare anomalies.

Have you @eagle6 considered staying involved in softball in a capacity that can still include the intrinsic value of helping others succeed?!
Would love to see Sasquatch!! Will be trying out some things. Thanks for the ideas!
Nov 4, 2015
My dh and I have been playing a lot of tennis. I played a bit in HS and he never played but it has been fun and great exercise. You could also try pickle ball.

Our kids still play in college but we are empty-nesters so needed a hobby! I think a puppy is next on our list. Would love to get back into the sport of Schutzhund.
Have 2 dogs and that's plenty! Have dabbled in pickleball. Wife isn't very athletic. May hurt herself! The pickleball i have played has been with my DD. May get her to try a tournament with me if we can get a little practice time. Thanks
Apr 1, 2017
Similar situation for me. Last travel travel tournament was in June. Daughters off to college, and more time than I know what to do with.

My case was easier. I played a ton of golf growing up, but had barely played the last decade, and not at all the last 3 years. Decided to build a new setup from scratch, and jump back into golf. Fitted for irons last weekend, and doing driver/3W/wedges this weekend. Only club staying with me is my putter that I've used since high school (long time ago...)
Mar 8, 2016
DD is a senior in college so her journey is fast coming to a close. When she left for college I kept my job as assistant coach on her travel team. It has been good except for the rides home from tournaments. It is kinda lonely without dd in the car.

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