team bonding HS vs TB

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Feb 25, 2009
For every week day when my player were not in season, they met me in a gym. I blew a whistle at 6 am and they were off doing plyometrics and/or lifting weights. No, none were forced to be there and I didn't take roll. However, I could count on 15 or more each and every day. The day no one puked in the plyo workout, they celebrated and went as a team to eat breakfast. I wish all of you could see those boys do that workout. Then, I wish you could see them come at me when no one puked. Man they would be screaming and asking if that was all I had and laughing and having a great time. Same when they hit the cafeteria. The lunch ladies all knew what happened by how happy the boys were. People asked me how I turned the program around. The kids turned it around by showing up and getting after it. They developed team long before the season started. I guess you could say I'm big on team bonding.
Aug 31, 2011
I know drama can kill a team faster than anything else, and a good way to avoid drama is to have the team bond. Sometimes its very difficult, especially in travel ball when all the girls live far away from each other, so a lot of it is done in practice and through social media before and after games. Having them text each other supportive comments before and after games, goes a long way.
Feb 12, 2014
Look, we are fat enough as it is to go making more eating events for socializing. The kids are closer to better food, probably at their house and they can stay in the ugly sweats (although they do that anyway going out).

What about church on Sunday or going to visit grandma for breakfast? That is a better use of time.

Face it, if it is the adults who want to socialize than do it through the PTA or the Boosters or at our end of year barbecue. I don't know how eating makes our team better.... I actually prefer they stop eating large servings of non home-made, probably processed and over-salted and over-fat laden food.

What planet are you from ? get a grip, you need a dose of reality !
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
The Mid-Atlantic area while not another planet is certainly an alternate reality for some. The school systems are often big on such nonsense especially in communities that view themselves as "enlightened".
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
As coaches we can demand that all of our players respect each other. However, isn't it much easier if the players actually earned that respect and liked each other? IMO, this is what team bonding does. The problems arise when you make it a mandatory event. Some players will feel "put upon" by these events and will, at times, have the opposite effect. A voluntary event on the other hand will usually lead to a stronger team spirit and bonding since those that do show up actually want to be there. A great example of this is DD's HS team.

This past weekend the SB Booster Club held a team bonding dinner for the players at a favorite local restaurant. It was not mandatory nor "strongly encouraged" that they attend. If they wanted to come, they were invited. Out of 26 players on the JV and V team, 23 showed up. The other 3 wanted and intended to come but something last minute came up and they were unable. However, all 3 spent the time texting/instagramming/whatever with other teammates the entire time. Everyone had a great time and a planned 1 hour or so event turned into a 3 hour dinner by the time everyone was ready to leave. IMO, this says something. They are a tight knit group and it shows both on and off the field.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
...Everyone had a great time and a planned 1 hour or so event turned into a 3 hour dinner by the time everyone was ready to leave. IMO, this says something. They are a tight knit group and it shows both on and off the field.

Love to hear this. Probably grew more as a team in those 3 hours than they would in 3 days of practices.

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