small rant about "looking for players to fill team"

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Should those kids not play?

I think 02Crush just meant three in one organization. There is often debate about how many teams to have in one age division and whether it waters down the organization if you have, say, two '02 teams. It doesn't mean you don't want those extra kids to play travel ball. He's in metro Atlanta where there are plenty of teams, so it's not like you're forcing kids into rec ball if an organization chooses to have only one '02 team.

not if u don't have enough players to field a team. Playing travel was, is and should be a privilege not a right! There is rec ball for those who want to keep playing.

Not sure if I understand what you're saying. At what point must you have enough players before you throw in the towel? Lots of teams don't have enough players in September. Some will be full soon. Others will collapse. That's how it works. Free market.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Anthony, for my dd's organization, they don't swap players from team to team for several reasons. You noted in the OP that the adds are for pitchers and catchers. So, you loan out a pitcher to another team in the organization and, for whatever reason, she is injured. Now, your team is messed up. My dd's organization did not allow players to "guest" on other teams for that reason.
Aug 13, 2013
Anthony, for my dd's organization, they don't swap players from team to team for several reasons. You noted in the OP that the adds are for pitchers and catchers. So, you loan out a pitcher to another team in the organization and, for whatever reason, she is injured. Now, your team is messed up. My dd's organization did not allow players to "guest" on other teams for that reason.

That's the best explanation I heard about swapping players ever. Thanks but if you don't have enough pitching for another team then u shouldn't have a team in my opinion!
Aug 13, 2013
Not sure if I understand what you're saying. At what point must you have enough players before you throw in the towel? Lots of teams don't have enough players in September. Some will be full soon. Others will collapse. That's how it works. Free market.[/QUOTE] me just because u want to play travel doesn't mean u should. Too many times teams are created just so Daddy's girl csan play after being cut all the time. I have seen it happen. Just because you play softball doesn't mean you are travel quality. Also I have seen organizations create a second team just to make more money. For organization had no plans to make a 2nd team but did so only because of a huge turnout for tryouts so no one was cut! All those girls are travel worthy? Sorry to be negative but just see too many teams that aren't quality travel. In my new organization (not a new organization but new for me) I told the President only one team per level..maybe two and only two if the quality is up there!
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina me just because u want to play travel doesn't mean u should. Too many times teams are created just so Daddy's girl csan play after being cut all the time. I have seen it happen. Just because you play softball doesn't mean you are travel quality. Also I have seen organizations create a second team just to make more money. For organization had no plans to make a 2nd team but did so only because of a huge turnout for tryouts so no one was cut! All those girls are travel worthy? Sorry to be negative but just see too many teams that aren't quality travel. In my new organization (not a new organization but new for me) I told the President only one team per level..maybe two and only two if the quality is up there!

I'm on the other side of that argument. I don't have a problem with anybody starting their own team for whatever reason they want as long as they're organized and treat the players well and give them a good experience. Travel ball isn't about talent and skill level, IMO. It's about desire and commitment.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
That's the best explanation I heard about swapping players ever. Thanks but if you don't have enough pitching for another team then u shouldn't have a team in my opinion!

Anthony, I can't argue against you on that. I was just stating why one team would not let another team within a program allow players to play on another team.

Anthony, my dd helped coach a 10U team this year. Naturally, some of those players moved up. My dd was heartbroken when some of those girls got cut. She asked several people within the organization if there was any chance that there could be another 12U team. They had 40 girls tryout. The program decided not to have that second team and that is up to them. Still, the first year 12U girls that were cut have a lot of ability. It is possible that some organizations are doing the same for those younger girls and then find that they are short a position. In my area, it isn't as easy as so go find another good program to play in.
Aug 13, 2013
I'm on the other side of that argument. I don't have a problem with anybody starting their own team for whatever reason they want as long as they're organized and treat the players well and give them a good experience. Travel ball isn't about talent and skill level, IMO. It's about desire and commitment.

that's cool! don't mind someone disagreeing...just don't like organizations that have lots of teams complaining they cant find players.
Aug 13, 2013
Anthony, I can't argue against you on that. I was just stating why one team would not let another team within a program allow players to play on another team.

Anthony, my dd helped coach a 10U team this year. Naturally, some of those players moved up. My dd was heartbroken when some of those girls got cut. She asked several people within the organization if there was any chance that there could be another 12U team. They had 40 girls tryout. The program decided not to have that second team and that is up to them. Still, the first year 12U girls that were cut have a lot of ability. It is possible that some organizations are doing the same for those younger girls and then find that they are short a position. In my area, it isn't as easy as so go find another good program to play in.

in my area there are too many teams...has really diluted the competition (in my opinion). I cant even keep track of how many teams there are any more. I wish those girls who got cut well and hope they work at their skills and try out again!
Feb 8, 2009
Not sure if I understand what you're saying. At what point must you have enough players before you throw in the towel? Lots of teams don't have enough players in September. Some will be full soon. Others will collapse. That's how it works. Free market. me just because u want to play travel doesn't mean u should. Too many times teams are created just so Daddy's girl csan play after being cut all the time. I have seen it happen. Just because you play softball doesn't mean you are travel quality. Also I have seen organizations create a second team just to make more money. For organization had no plans to make a 2nd team but did so only because of a huge turnout for tryouts so no one
was cut! All those girls are travel worthy? Sorry to be negative but just see too many teams that aren't quality travel. In my new organization (not a new organization but new for me) I told the President only one team per level..maybe two and only two if the quality is up there![/QUOTE]

How would adding another team create more money for the organization?


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
in my area there are too many teams...has really diluted the competition (in my opinion). I cant even keep track of how many teams there are any more. I wish those girls who got cut well and hope they work at their skills and try out again!

To quote one of my favorite Simpsons episodes:

"Let me get this straight: we're behind the rest of our class and we're going to catch up to them by going slower than they are? Cuck-oo! "

So instead of playing travel they are going to 'work on their skills'. Meanwhile the travel girls are practicing as a travel team, playing higher level travel competition, most likely getting better coaching (and more often) plus they are 'working on their skills'

As long as there is a 'lower' level travel group to play with there is no reason for them not to play something more than rec (well except that we destroy the pitching pool so there are more players than pitchers to go around).
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