Recruiting questions - divisions/conferences/expectations

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May 27, 2013
Is your DD at a D1 school? We've been primarily focusing on D3 since she does love the game but also has high academic aspirations. We are keeping the option open of just playing club softball - she has worked her tail off academically and I don't want her to limit schools just for softball (as much as she loves it). If she finds a school where the softball isn't a fit but everything else is, then she'll have to make that choice.
Your statement here is exactly what sold dd on her D3 school. She busted her butt at an extremely competitive HS and didn’t want to go just anywhere to play college softball (not that there is anything wrong with that either). She felt that she owed it to herself to get into a top academic college and those are the schools she chose to focus on.
Dec 2, 2013
When DD was looking at schools in the NE, many of those schools were out of reach financially. If she got a 50% athletic scholly the cost was still $35K and then just the cost to go watch her play which was important to us just made it worse. We changed direction and found the school she committed to within a few months her Jr. year. It turned out to be the perfect fit and this school wasn't even on the radar the previous 2 years. We attended not all bust MOST game weekends and some mid week games. It was still a 4 hr drive but we made it work. No graduated with No debt and a semester worth left for DD2. She got lots of recognition athletically and worked her butt off. Still had 2 years of eligibly left. She was DONE. She got her Finance degree, got a good job and is currently sitting on the couch next to us watching TV. LOL. And that's very okay with us.
Nov 5, 2014
Ivy Leagues - Anyone have any information on how those teams are managed (can academics come first?)
DD is at an Ivy, happy to answer any specific questions you have. As to do academics come first the answer is yes and no. Academics are very important but...the coaching staff wants/needs to win just as much as any other D1 coach for their personal career prospects so they utilize every possible minute of NCAA allowable practice time(which is the same for all D1 programs) + plenty of additional "optional" activities, not including any extra work you want to get in on your own in the cage etc .. In the end this means you wind up burning the candle at both ends to keep up with the rigorous academics. As many others have said you have to love it.
Aug 5, 2022
Is your DD at a D1 school? We've been primarily focusing on D3 since she does love the game but also has high academic aspirations. We are keeping the option open of just playing club softball - she has worked her tail off academically and I don't want her to limit schools just for softball (as much as she loves it). If she finds a school where the softball isn't a fit but everything else is, then she'll have to make that choice.

Yes mine is at an sec school but we have friends at all levels and they all pretty much have the same schedule

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DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
People will make mistakes along the way. I know I've made my fair share, and I'm not afraid to admit it. You never know what a school will be like until they spend real time on campus. The could hate their roommates, the coach could leave before they get there, or they could miss their boyfriend at home. The more research you do, the better off you'll be, but it won't be perfect. Heck, even some of the people on here with freshman who think they made the right choice won't know for a while yet, myself included.

In my experience, 20% of my clients children will transfer at least once. That is not exclusive to student athletes, but it does represent a pretty good cross section of the student body.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
My DD played at a D-II. What we found at the D-II level is that many of the schools are known for specializing in certain degrees or areas. For example, the D-II my DD played at was/is the top school in the State of Missouri for producing teachers. It is an exceptional school for criminal justice degrees and the FBI does classes there each summer. It has a great nursing program and softball players often graduate with a nursing degree. Here is a look at some of the D-II schools:
Dec 2, 2013
What might be a perfect for one kid could be a nightmare for the next. Make your top 20 list and then start marking them off that list as fast as possible so you can narrow down the choices as to not waste your time and money on those schools. Then add to that list as circumstances changes or new information becomes available.
May 7, 2015
UCSD transitioned to D1 about a year ago I believe. The most academic D2 I am aware of that focuses on engineering and science is Colorado School of Mines. It is a great school.
The Ore Diggers! My alum.. Fantastic academics, football sucked when I was there, but recently they've made the Div 2 football championship game a couple of times. Have softball too. The football team has a great time with their headshots


UCSD went D1 in 2020

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