question for coaches about wearing a cast and playing

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Sep 10, 2013
We have a girl on our team that broke her thumb, she has a hard cast, her dr. gave her permission to still play. Her parents ok'ed so my husband was fine with it (hes the coach) We played in a tournament this weekend, we played 3 games on Saturday the first 2 she played with no issues. One of the umps did say if she hit anyone with it she was out. So we start our 3rd game, she goes through the batting line up twice nothing was said. It was a tight game. We took the lead at some point, all the sudden the other coach has an issue with it. The ump said he was fine with it but the would get the TD to get the ruling. She in the mean time is in the dugout taking pictures of our batter. TD said NSA has a no cast rule. We were fine with it (game was over by this time, she played almost whole game before it became an issue). We ended up tying the game. What are your thoughts on playing with a cast on? I told my husband maybe we should of had her pad it with something? She can play usssa as long as its padded. We didn't look the rule up before we got there we figured we would see what the umps said and like I said they were all fine with it.
Jun 22, 2008
Most other rule sets allow casts as long as they are padded. I just looked up the NSA rules and they do in fact have a rule stating no casts.
Sep 10, 2013
yes, the TD came and showed us, we aren't disputing it the rule is the rule. We were fine with it. I was just wondering what coaches thoughts on this are? LIke would you complain about playing a team with a girls that has a cast? The 2 previous coaches didn't say anything at all. Just curious is all.
Jun 22, 2008
Some coaches never seem to have a problem with something until they are losing, then they try to find anything to their advantage.


Practice Like You Play
Jul 30, 2012
We played against a girl with a cast on left wrist. She batted right handed, one handed, with left arm held behind her back. She made solid contact every swing. She made an out every time, but I was dang impressed. As long as rules allow, who am I to question otherwise. And, I bet the other coach says nothing if they're winning by a ton.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
I say let her play. As long as she can still bat, field, and throw, what's the problem?
I had a kid play all summer with a broken middle finger. It had a splint and tape on it. When she batted it looked like she was flipping everyone the bird! Lol
Her batting was fine, but her throwing suffered.

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