question for all photographers" out there

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Aug 1, 2008
I have a d 5100 Nikon with 2 lens. It came as a package. The big lens is a 55-200mm
It has a sports mode that you can catch action shots frame by frame.
Been very happy with it. I can only comment on the one I have. Amateur photographer.
Takes real clear photos. Know a woman that does sports shots for the high school...She had the same camera so I was happy to see that..

Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
I have a point and shoot similar to the sony one. I'm looking for more of a SLR type with different lenses etc. I'll have to take a look at sam's for the nikon one. Thanks for the help so far.

Sorry, when you said easy to use I assumed that meant not SLR lol! I have a Nikon D70s with many lenses - takes great pics, not high on my easy to use list, though. If I stick it in auto it's just another point and shoot. And it's a pain lugging the lenses around, so I usually only use my Sigma 15-200 telephoto.
Mar 23, 2010
I am not a photographer, just a gwc....
Nikon D7100 (APS-C sensor) with the same 55-200 as above, perfectly usable lens out to about 20' beyond 1B/3B and dirt cheap. Shooting in from the fence, you'll need more glass.

D7100 is great, has superb auto-focus, BUT has a weak rapid-fire capability.

Two lenses I'm hearing good things about are the Nikon 80-400 and the Sigma 120-300 Sport.

Read up on Full-frame vs. aps-c sensors before you start looking seriously at DSLR's. has good reviews and articles, also

I got good help on DFP with this post:
Dec 20, 2012
If you are wanting a DSLR I would go used. You can find a good Nikon or Canon for $300-400 even less if you go with an old D50 or 80. Spend your money in the lens'. You can get by with an inexpensive 70-300 mm outdoors but when are shooting bball in the gym you will need a lower f stop and will be getting in the $500-$1000 range for a decent lens.
Jun 20, 2012
Christmas is coming and my wife would like a new camera to take pictures of our kids in their various activities. I see a lot of really nice action shots and would like to get some recommendations for a quality camera. Something easy to use with a good zoom lenz. We have a decent digital with an okay zoom I'm looking for the type we can change the lenses.


Depends on your budget. Warning you now: once you start down this road, it can become very expensive.

The 2 major brands of DSLRs with interchangeable lenses are Nikon and Canon. You won't go wrong with whichever you choose. Both offer an excellent variety of camera bodies and lenses to choose from. There are snobs on both sides, but don't pay them much attention. Keep in mind, however, that once you start down one of those roads (Nikon or Canon), and you buy lenses, you will stay on that road, because the lenses aren't interchangeable across brands (for the most part). It can get expensive, especially when you start playing the "if only I had XYZ lens..." game. For the record, I'm the proud owner of a Canon T2i and I use a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM Telephoto Zoom Lens. I'm currently saving up to get a better camera body in order to take full use of the lens' capabilities. Unfortunately, I had to step up and coach my daughters' teams lately, which has prevented me from taking pictures.
Jul 9, 2012
Was in the same situation last year....ended up going with the Sony a65 over the Canon and Nikon for one reason....10 shots per second.

When it comes to lenses....even the low cost zooms work well for softball, since there is usually good lighting outside. Here's some pics taken with a Minolta 70-200 and Minolta 50mm lens from the 1990's (paid less than $100 total for both lenses)......


BUt...if you spend some money on a nice can get great results (Sony 70-400mm f/4-5.6G SSM II - $1800)......

download (1).jpg
Jan 24, 2009
We like our canon rebel a lot for the price. IMO, incremental increases in photo quality come with a fairly steep price tag when it comes to lenses and such. A tripod, however is $30 well spent when it comes to gaining crispness.
Here is a pic from 210' with the 55-250 kit lens. It is a hand-held snap shot with less than great lighting from the weekend.


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