Switching Load Mechanics

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Jan 6, 2018
For me it would be a collaborative effort: "What do you like about what you're currently doing?" "Have you ever tried _____?" "How did it feel?" "What do you think about _____?"

It is really heart breaking to hear the horror stories from college players. Pitchers running for several miles to get stronger. Need to have 7 pitches by spring. Totally changing all the spins they had success with until they're almost all bullet spin when they return for summer. Mandatory 20 minute long warm up with swinging the Xelerator, wrist snaps, K's at 90 with static legs, pitching from one knee, storks, walkthroughs, warming up all 7 spins from wrist snaps, spinner and moving back to full. All leaving little time to work full pitches to the catcher and feeling out of their groove. Did I mention some crazy pitch calling?

I dread those calls, texts, vacation visits and summer rebuilds...
Thanks for the panic attack...my DD was just shipped off to the NCAA and thanks to wholesale coaching changes we have no idea what's in store for her!
Sep 30, 2013
Thanks for the panic attack...my DD was just shipped off to the NCAA and thanks to wholesale coaching changes we have no idea what's in store for her!
Just had one of my kids call me last night, freshman at mid major D1 school. They want to change almost everything. She feels overwhelmed because they are throwing all kinds of changes at her, instead of focusing on 1 area, then moving on to the next. What made me sick to my stomach was they told her they want to get rid of her spin, and work on getting bullet spin on all her pitches. She has a great drop, curve, and rise spin, we spent years on getting proper axis and spin direction.

If you're going to change anything, you should 1st know the players profile (Ken K/Motor Preference) as well as have some data to back up that the changes you are making are producing better results. (speed up, spin up) If not, you're just changing things to make them pitch like you "thought" you pitched.....

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