Poor behavior

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May 27, 2022
You are correct. This particular coach was male but this can be a person of any gender. To be clear this is not my daughter’s coach just a team we played and have played many times. I agree this won’t end until we as parents end it by saying no. We tried to choose wisely for college but only time will tell.

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Yeah, but you added the 'mostly male' part.

I am guessing it is easier to see the yelling that might be attributed more to men than the quiet sarcasm/favorites/head games that might be more attributed to women. I'd so much rather have direct feedback than death by a thousand cuts comments through the year.
Jun 20, 2015
it never ceases to amaze me when we have a couple subs on a given weekend and they are all extremely eager to return, asking when our practices are, when will try outs be next year, etc. UNTIL I see or interact with their regular team head coaches. Hearing the constant yelling, the belittling comments, the threats of physical punishments, etc., and it's no wonder they are looking for escape routes.

And no one wants to be on a losing team and berated as well. It's one thing to play too big of a schedule and team keeps taking beatings, as long as learning and improvement is being seen. It's entirely another to be berated, belittled and just generally abused and getting whipped weekly as well.
Aug 5, 2022
Yeah, but you added the 'mostly male' part.

I am guessing it is easier to see the yelling that might be attributed more to men than the quiet sarcasm/favorites/head games that might be more attributed to women. I'd so much rather have direct feedback than death by a thousand cuts comments through the year.

My personal experience has been male which is where my mostly comment came from but I fully stand corrected and acknowledge that my complaint extends to all genders that use passive aggressive degrading techniques whether they be loud or silent.

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Jul 27, 2020
Saw coach/director of an org berate and embarrass a girl who was struggling hitting and yelled at her to get out of the cage and said in front or two teams and parents that he had three girls waiting to take her spot. Girl was crying hysterically in front of everyone. Then at tryout the following season called out a girl with the org who was having problem hitting, telling her (well within ear shot of her parents, who def heard him), you better be able to bunt because you can’t hit. Meanwhile, he had 0 pulse of what was going on with one of his teams after multiple complaints about the coach doing zero for the team.

Was so disgusted at how he spoke to 11 and 12yo girls, we didn’t return. Best decision we made.

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Jan 25, 2022
I have never once thought about what my team's success says about my coaching. We're all out there trying to make the best with what we have. Sometimes we have a lot, and sometimes we have a little. I've never worried if people were judging my ability. I can only imagine it's why these nutbags behave the way they do. I just want to see the kids have fun and get enough wins to keep them coming back until high school.

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