PE injury

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Oct 10, 2011
Imlearning, sorry I'm a little late making the forum today. What's the verdict on the ankle? I hope it's just a simple sprain at the most.

As far as co-Ed football is concerned, I was always a fan of "touch two below". Not so fond of it now I have a daughter. :)

I wish we would have had co-ed wrestling:) They said Strained Ligaments but wanted her to see an orthopedic specialist tomorrow to be sure.
Oct 4, 2011
Argh, I'm sorry. Dag nab it PE. My only broken bone ever came from 6th grade PE indoor soccer. Keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow - sounds good so far!
My 6th grade son came home from school yesterday super excited because the wrestling mats had been put out for that night's HS meet. The 6th grade PE kids got to play "dodge ball free for all" - pretty much just what it sounds like. They did have the option of playing "tackle" or "not tackle". A few of the girls chose tackle - impressive :)
Jan 25, 2011
My dd got hurt playing coed basketball. That's how the whole brain surgery, thing started. I first could say, after Emily was going to live and I do mean saved her live. I was somewhat mad about the whole accident, after things got back to somewhat normal with Emily. I guess you could say, that life happens, she could of got hurt playing basketball with me. It happens, there are no grauntees, I hope your dd gets better real soon, but we can't live life worrying about what could happen. Good luck and hope for the best.
Just seems crazy, back in the day I don't every remember athletes taking PE they always had after school workouts and to meet their PE requirement the coach had a "class" the kids attended where they were doing whatever coach wanted them to. Also class was usually last period so it went straight into practice during season, guess things have changed.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
My DD#1 went to a band outing one night and severely sprained her ankle playing volleyball. I guess we should put a large sign around their necks that says, "Don't touch. Softball player." Stuff happens to kids all the is part of life.

Some school districts "exempt" current sports participants from having to do PE class. ALL schools should adopt this option for the families of the student athlete.


PE is a class. Students cannot be exempted from math due to softball, so they can't be exempted from PE class. It is a pretty simple world.

I never thought it was a good idea to have co-ed PE classes. I am not certain why that trend ever started. I can understand, now, parents that request exemptions.

Good PE teachers avoid "rolling the ball out" week after week and telling the kids to play some game.

A good PE class will include many different activities over a school year. Line dancing, e.g., is usually taught, fitness classes, etc.

The idea is to help the kids find physical activities that they might like. So, it is more of a smorgasbord approach.
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Dec 7, 2011
I have to tell ya I am quite amazed by the number of you guys here making the effective statement that making a move to keep your college-bound DD out of a meaningless risky horseplay game of PE is being over-protective or coddling.

The equation could very easily be:
If DD gets hurt and can’t play the spring/summer of her Junior year in HS & more importantly the summer TB season then DD does NOT get the scholarship and does NOT attend the college she wants to.

I am not saying it’s the end of her life or anything BUT I think it’s down-right ignorant to risk it doing Co-Ed ultimate Frisbee that she does not want to do in the first place in the HS PE environment.

(Key point here = must assume a scholarship bound athlete in this argument.)

I would be willing to wager if your DD had a verbal and got injured pretty bad in PE you would be the first in line to ban the activity altogether.

In contrast my DD WANTS to go paint-balling this summer with her brothers. That is risky too. BUT DD WANTS to do that really bad. Dad here will let this happen with just a raised eyebrow as I am not in favor of her being shut out from what she wants to do (within limits of course).

Sorry but you hit a sore spot with this…..

But IML – best wishes on your DD’s recovery.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
IMLearning, sorry to hear about your kid. Glad nothings broken and good luck to your DD for this season!!

I have a couple of thoughts here...

1) Just because a kid has an athletic scholarship doesn't, and shouldn't make him/her exempt from all activities where there is a slight chance of injury. If that were the case, why not wrap 'em in a plastic bubble until the moment they step on the college campus?

2) In December 2009, 2 months before DD's freshman softball season, she was playing basketball during lunch - in flats - and got hurt badly. The doc diagnosed a subtalar dislocation of her left ankle, DW, DD and I all were worried about her softball days being over for good... Turned out that the doctor released her the same week as the first pre-season tournament. She pitched and by the end of the season had secured the starting pitching spot on the roster.

3) I have no problem with co-ed PE as long as they are not playing a contact sport.
Mar 20, 2012
Sacramento, CA
PE is a class. Students cannot be exempted from math due to softball, so they can't be exempted from PE class. It is a pretty simple world.

Back in the "Glory Days" we (the athletes) did not attend PE classes during our season. We signed up for what was called 0 period PE, which was used as conditioning to get ready. Once the season started, no more PE until the season was over. Multi-sport athletes never went to PE. But that was back when they actually had PE. Our district is struggling to pay a teacher to do PE, so it is only once a week for DD.

DD has to keep a log of all her physical activity for her PE class. I can tell you she spends easily 4x the amount of time any other kid in her class does being active. I would not have a problem with her skipping PE, except for the fact that she likes it. For her the time would be better spent doing homework.
3) I have no problem with co-ed PE as long as they are not playing a contact sport.

My view as well. My starting 8th grade pitcher got a fracture in her foot this November in PE when a boy rolled her while playing capture the cone. Technically not a "contact" game, but when not supervised closely it can be. She just got released but I fear she will be a month behind. It knocked her out of most of the basketball season.

Now I know, she COULD have gotten hurt playing basketball, or in softball. But she didn't, she got hurt in PE in what should not have been a contact game by an overzealous thirteen year old boy.
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