PE injury

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Jun 22, 2008
Plenty of stupidity to go all around in this story. During softball season my daughter had a sub PE teacher one day, and game day to boot. Sub decided to have the girls play softball, except for some reason she separated them into softball players and non softball players. She only had one mush ball so she had the non softball girls playing with it and sent the softball players off to play softball by themselves with a real ball.

Softball girls decided to play a soft toss game I guess similar to pepper. Girl tossing the ball sets up about 15'-20' away and starts tossing the ball. My kid is batting and isnt smart enough to just take partial cuts at the ball. You already know where this is going, she takes full cut at ball and hits line drive straight back at girl tossing, hitting her square on the bridge of the nose. To make a really long story short, shattered her nose, shattered left eye socket above the eye, shattered right eye socket below the eye, 2 weeks in hospital, 2 or 3 corrective surgeries etc etc etc. Everything turned out ok, girl that got hurt actually thanked my daughter a while later for getting her a free nose job she had always wanted. And she was serious about it.
May 7, 2008
I saw a story last week, where a school was playing tug of war and 2 students had fingers severed. I think that one boy lost 3-4 fingers. I couldn't find much information, but doesn't it take a pretty small diameter of a rope, to completely sever fingers?
Jun 22, 2008
I saw a story last week, where a school was playing tug of war and 2 students had fingers severed. I think that one boy lost 3-4 fingers. I couldn't find much information, but doesn't it take a pretty small diameter of a rope, to completely sever fingers?

Amy, I read somewhere they mentioned the kids may have wrapped the rope around their hands. You get a bunch of kids pulling and it will pinch fingers, hands etc right off. I dont know if the rope broke or not, but if it did, a rope snapping under high tension will also be just like a razor knife as it flys apart.

Forget exactly when it was, late 70's to early 80's there was an article in paper about a similar incident. School borrowed a gigantic braided nylon rope that was used by the electric company for stringing power cables. As I recall it was rated at something like 30,000 lbs. The school put every student on the rope and had a tug-o-war. Rope snapped and when it did it severed numerous students fingers and hands.
Jul 26, 2010
I'm sorry for your daughter imlearning, I hope she feels better soon!

HS softball tryouts are this week, but we're lucky and the PE class is just doing the state mandated fitness testing (which requires that the students are warm and breathe I think). Most the boys in HS, at least here in norcal, are no match for the girls athletically. I think it's a cultural thing, but I'm not sure. I'd feel sorry for them, but I don't.

Apr 30, 2010
Artic Circle
PE is part of the curriculum here in town and is required of all students (Less as they get to 11th and 12th grade). I too am sorry your daughter got hurt but we can't wrap our kids in bubble wrap because _______ Season is coming up. Kids get hurt playing outside, inside, walking to school and it is all part of life's lessons. I hope she heals quick!
Oct 10, 2011

I always loved PE but we were not co-ed and often got extremely rough. Not a fan of co ed football though.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Imlearning, sorry I'm a little late making the forum today. What's the verdict on the ankle? I hope it's just a simple sprain at the most.

As far as co-Ed football is concerned, I was always a fan of "touch two below". Not so fond of it now I have a daughter. :)
Oct 10, 2011
Okay, got the break, whew! She is going to see a specialist tomorrow but the hospital said their guess would be 3 weeks if she stays off it. Hopefully we'll get more good news tomorrow and her trainer said he specializes in injury rehab. She's still upset even with the good news though.

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