Opinion please?

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Oct 22, 2009
Fundraisers are to support team activities and expenses. Any team expenses not covered by fundraisers are subsequently divided among the players on the team. If the player and family have unpaid expenses, they need to be billed their share.
Jan 20, 2015
Cant do it, if you could how many teams would (some may) fund raise then "reimburse" players that just happen to be really really good??
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Well, this shows the importance of having everything in writing!

When DS was in HS, he was part of a local youth rowing club. The head of the club's board of directors is a local attorney, who made sure all the clubs rules and bylaws were VERY clearly written out. The rules included what each family was expected to do as far as fundraising, volunteering, etc.

Now, a few of the families in that club were rather well-to-do. One family in particular would donate about $20,000 or so every year fo the club. Can you imagine if a kid who withdrew from that club wanted his/her cut of that?

(Some of the things that one family gave to the club: a Ford 350, a $20,000 racing shell, matching donations for a fundraiser that raised almost $20k, etc.)
Nov 26, 2010
I have a friend coaching a travel teal they were 12 players and 1 has decided to quit after taking her turn of sitting out one game in the one tournament they played this year.

During the off season they had a number of fund raisers and have a little over $14,000 in their fund for this year.

The player that quit about half heated participated in the fund raises sometimes showing up and sometimes not.

Now that she has quit she and her parents want their share of the money raised for the team, which is around $1,160. :confused:

He has no written policies about the money only an accounting system.

How have/would you handle this?

Fund raiser money is never refunded. If they made a cash payment, maybe some sort of arrangement can be reached for a pro-rated piece of that
Oct 19, 2009
Thanks for all the comments, I will advise my friend of all your comments.

He advised the players parents has threaten him with a lawsuit, he is wanting to give the money to them just to rid him of the aggravation.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Thanks for all the comments, I will advise my friend of all your comments.

He advised the players parents has threaten him with a lawsuit, he is wanting to give the money to them just to rid him of the aggravation.

IMO a huge mistake as that would set a dangerous precedent that could be used against him and the organization in the future. It will become your defacto policy. My response to any threat of litigation has always been "Bring it!".
Jul 23, 2014
In our local community, this type of behavior on behalf of the departing parents would most assuredly guarantee their daughter would never play on a team within a 100 miles again.

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