Opinion please?

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Oct 19, 2009
I have a friend coaching a travel teal they were 12 players and 1 has decided to quit after taking her turn of sitting out one game in the one tournament they played this year.

During the off season they had a number of fund raisers and have a little over $14,000 in their fund for this year.

The player that quit about half heated participated in the fund raises sometimes showing up and sometimes not.

Now that she has quit she and her parents want their share of the money raised for the team, which is around $1,160. :confused:

He has no written policies about the money only an accounting system.

How have/would you handle this?
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Get a written policy in place. :)

Tell them no, it is the Teams money. At worst it is a small claims court case. If someone has time go to court, if not and it gets to that point give them their money back.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
We have a very strict no refund policy that is clearly articulated up front. Since we are a 501(C)(3) every dollar raised is a tax deductible donation to the organization not the player. Parents are expected to make monthly donations as needed to help with tournament entry fees and other costs. Only time we deviate from this is when a player gets a season ending injury or the family relocates. Even then we write the check to the healthcare provider or to their new organization if they relocate. Never back to the player or the family.
Dec 11, 2010
We have a very strict no refund policy that is clearly articulated up front. Since we are a 501(C)(3) every dollar raised is a tax deductible donation to the organization not the player. Parents are expected to make monthly donations as needed to help with tournament entry fees and other costs. Only time we deviate from this is when a player gets a season ending injury or the family relocates. Even then we write the check to the healthcare provider or to their new organization if they relocate. Never back to the player or the family.

That is an excellent policy.
Apr 25, 2010
In my opinion, if you quit over something other than abuse or extremely inappropriate behavior (use common sense here, not just hurt feelings), then you get nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Zip. Not a d@mn dime. Quitting over sitting out a game is just being a baby, and you should be charged more...lol. Not really, but you get what I'm saying.
Jun 1, 2013
It is probably illegal to give them their portion of the money. LOL

I agree with this. Those funds were raised for supporting a softball team and players. I think it could be construed as fraud if any of the donaters were to find out and felt like pursuing the matter. Also, if the money were given back to the parents/player then it could harm your ability to raise money for your team if word got around.
What I would do is simply say no and dare them to make an issue of it. The other alternative is to spend the exact amount they raised on softball equipment for the player. That is a way to keep from being fraudulent but the first alternative is the best.
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
For a 501(C)(3) organization, common practice around here is to transfer the player's funds to another 501(C)(3) organization's account. I know of players who made the request to please make check out to the new organization that they changed to.

Otherwise, no, they don't get any money.
Jan 24, 2009
Now that she has quit she and her parents want their share of the money raised for the team, which is around $1,160. :confused:

Put me down for a share of that money too. I'm sure my wife will also want a share. I'll ask my neighbors if they want any.

Barring injury as mentioned above, the only money I would even consider going back to the family is a buy back of the player's uniform if you need it for the replacement player. It doesn't matter whether ownership of said uniform is the team or the player, it is sometimes the only way to get it back. If the uni's were ordered (non-local) and you have minimum orders/timelines and such to deal with AND you didn't plan ahead and buy 3 more than you needed at the start...you get the idea.

PM me for my address if you decide to pass out money though.

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