New catcher starting now for upcoming season, but not her favorite position.

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Feb 3, 2011
Lothar, I don't know what sort of schedule your team is planning on, but even if you're only playing 1-2 tournaments a month, you have an immediate need to develop a 2nd catcher. You want a good athlete behind the plate, even in a backup role, which for most teams means a converted SS or CF.

My DD also loves 1B, but in the world of competitive softball, I do side with the coaches whose philosophy is to place the slowest-fielding great hitter at 1B, especially if she's a big target. If a player has the 4th-best average and is the best slugger on a team, but lacks the speed to be an effective outfielder, then she plays 1B (unless she's the DP, of course). 1B still has to be athletic and motivated enough to make plays, though.
May 7, 2008
OK, dads here is what she said "she fears she will not be able to play her favorite position at 1B." She is 14. She knows what she wants. She is willing to help the team, but she needs some enjoyment out of it, also.
Aug 13, 2010
She is playing "B" ball. My philosophy is to get her more playing time. Her 1st year at 12u, she sat on the bench for an "A" team. Not the best experience , especially when spending a lot of money to go to Nationals 10 hours away only to see a guest player get more PT while our team was getting their butts handed to them. It's been 4 years, but I still have a ton to learn.

The schedule will be mostly "B" and friendlies. So, the pressure on her at the new position will not be as great. However, I still want the girls (team) to win more games than they lose.
Dec 7, 2011
You can't have only one catcher. She isnt going to be able to catch every game on a tournament weekend. You need to have another catcher and if you want to put her at first base when she is not catching, thats up to you.

I used to think this was the case but then have been involved with a couple teams since 14U where there WAS one catcher (and it didn't come back to bite!)... AND this was for pitchers throwing 60+. Some catchers do have the stamina & resilience. (I personally don't like it though)

But I think weekend pool play is the good time to get the switch in (along with practicing where ya make the point that somebody needs to step up and get prepared if we NEED to have another catcher step in - I have seen some good "stepping-up" from this request to the team)
Jan 24, 2011
OK, dads here is what she said "she fears she will not be able to play her favorite position at 1B." She is 14. She knows what she wants. She is willing to help the team, but she needs some enjoyment out of it, also.

Not every kid gets to play their favorite position. Just the way it goes. That is why when I have tryouts and parents ask what position I am looking for , I always tell them " Other than pitcher and catcher , I don't look for specific positions. I look for athletes and then use them in a position that best helps the team"
Aug 13, 2010
Lothar, I don't know what sort of schedule your team is planning on, but even if you're only playing 1-2 tournaments a month, you have an immediate need to develop a 2nd catcher. You want a good athlete behind the plate, even in a backup role, which for most teams means a converted SS or CF.

I have seen this a lot where the team uses their best athlete behind the plate (especially SS.). I have not always agreed with this because (on teams past), it was a huge downgrade from the #1 SS to the #2 SS. Last season our SS was also a C. She was great at both positions, but when she played C, I had to look away every time a ball was hit to the SS. I guess it can work in reverse as well. I understand the catcher has to be a good athlete. My dd is on the slow side as far as running, but seems to have some ability behind the plate (from what I've seen from her so far).
Feb 15, 2013
As an Asst. Coach for a team my daughter plays on i've made suggestions about where i thought my daughter should play (sounds bad to some). However, i did it with the best interest of the team involved. Here's my example. DD playing RF, our CF is a larger girl over 6Ft and 200Lbs on a 12U. While she is bigger, she covers good space but how many times can she chase something into the gap in the summer heat to back up the corners? So i suggested moving her to a corner OF and moving my DD who is one of the faster players to CF. Switch worked great for everyone, DD is happy, other OF's are happy, coach is happy and i'm happy. I'm sure the pitchers will be during tournament time also. Guess my point is, if you can suggest it to where everyone benefits than i would say something but if it only benefits your DD and not the team i would have to chose team first. Sets the correct example and precident. College coaches don't want someone to fix their childs problems for them, they want leaders who can also follow.
Mar 23, 2010
Not every kid gets to play their favorite position. Just the way it goes. That is why when I have tryouts and parents ask what position I am looking for , I always tell them " Other than pitcher and catcher , I don't look for specific positions. I look for athletes and then use them in a position that best helps the team"

I think Amy's point is valid, ask the girl to take on the extra work to learn the hardest position on the field, and you should probably find a way to reciprocate. Rep's at 1B does not seem an extravagant request as payback.
Aug 13, 2010
Thanks everybody for their advise. I tend to bounce my thoughts off of others to help clarify what actions I will take next.
Feb 14, 2013
OK, dads here is what she said "she fears she will not be able to play her favorite position at 1B." She is 14. She knows what she wants. She is willing to help the team, but she needs some enjoyment out of it, also.

Not every kid gets to play their favorite position. Just the way it goes. That is why when I have tryouts and parents ask what position I am looking for , I always tell them " Other than pitcher and catcher , I don't look for specific positions. I look for athletes and then use them in a position that best helps the team"

Sadly, the only other option I see is to find her a team who needs a 1b. If you're not willing to change teams, you may be stuck in the role you're playing now. Something to think about...most 1b are chosen not only due to skill but height. If shes not very tall, it may be in her best interest to consider choosing a new favorite position. We had to do this with our youngest DD. Shes never going to be tall enough to be a longterm 1b no matter how good she was there.

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