New catcher starting now for upcoming season, but not her favorite position.

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Aug 13, 2010
My dd will be 14 y/o in March. She has been playing fp since she was 9 y/o and never wanted anything to do with catching. Our team lost one of our catchers due to injury, so we needed another catcher.

My dd just started catching our #1 pitcher at pitching lessons to help out our pitcher's parents who could no longer handle catching her hard throws. My dd says she now enjoys it and also has the strongest arm on the team (she has thrown out runners on the fly at home from the fence in the OF!), so after discussing it with the manager, I bought her the needed equipment and she is now just learning to catch.

Our roster is only 9 players and we are actively trying to find 1 or 2 more players. However, if we can't, my daughter fears she will not be able to play her favorite position at 1B. She has not been able to play a lot there for the past several years because she has always been the best OF on the team, so to make the team better has played in the OF.

I have now become one of the coaches. How do you suggest I get her a little time at 1B without causing a problem for the team? It would weaken the team, but make my dd a much happier player.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I now have a lot more appreciation her past coaches! It's not easy.
Nov 26, 2010
You can't have only one catcher. She isnt going to be able to catch every game on a tournament weekend. You need to have another catcher and if you want to put her at first base when she is not catching, thats up to you.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Until you get another catcher, your DD needs to understand that what's best for the team has to come before her personal preferences. Part of the maturing process - probably just came a little sooner than either of you expected. Good luck to you both.
Aug 13, 2010
You can't have only one catcher. She isnt going to be able to catch every game on a tournament weekend. You need to have another catcher and if you want to put her at first base when she is not catching, thats up to you.

That would be an easy decision, however the #1 pitcher's only other position is 1B (She is 5'11" and a bit awkward athletically because of her growth spurt). It's a bit crowded at 1B and if my dd can play at other positions needed by the team, she ends up doing that. My dd's versatility is biting her in the rear. My dd is not the best athlete on the team, but has been open to helping out when needed, thus the versatility. But also the disappointment in not getting to play her favorite position.
To chinas point you can't just have one catcher anyway so find or train another catcher ASAP. As for playing 1B a really versatile girl who can play different positions with a strong arm and covers ground in OF is not going to play first base much. 1B is reserved for other type players (sorry if I insulted a bunch of first baseman) you kind of already hinted at that with your comment about #1 pitcher. So best case is that second pool game were you DD needs a break from behind the plate (and other catcher needs work) and the #1 pitcher sits so she can be ready for next game is about all she can hope for as possible 1B time.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
DD’s favorite position is 1st, she is a SS dang it. For whatever reason it seems like all the players love 1st base, I don’t understand the fascination with the position.

Sounds like you have a puzzle that is going to be hard to solve for this Team.
May 7, 2008
I was a first baseman. You get to handle the ball almost every time, it is hit. It is not as exhausting as catching. Listen to your DD and make her the best first baseman that she can be.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
They will usually only excel at the position they love. She needs to understand that she should play where the TEAM needs her. Besides most good infielders are a dime a dozen but a really good catcher with the kind of cannon your describing is HARD TO FIND!!! Tell her to go with it and be great. If she wants to pursue a college career, pitchers and catchers are usually the most sought after players.
May 7, 2008
On the subject of listening, I got a new lesson in it yesterday. GD was coloring happily, on a piece of paper on her lap. I told her to put the paper on the box that I was handing her. She said plainly "I want to do this, myself." She is 3. But, it was a good reminder to me to leave well enough alone. It was hers and I was essentially saying "It would be better, if you did it my way." :)
Oct 4, 2011
Hmmmm. You're in a tough spot now that you're a coach. How about 3d? She can put her strong arm to good use and she wouldn't have to be a gazelle when she isn't catching. I agree with the above - they all seem to love 1st; count it as a good thing that they love the limelight! You'll most likely have at least a few games where you are either playing a weaker opponent or the outcome doesn't matter - then you can mix it up with all of your girls.
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