NCAA Potentially Increasing # of Softball Scholarships for D1 Schools to 25 (up from 12)

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May 27, 2013
College sports has become too mercenary for me. D3 is going to be decimated.

At one time, athletes were students who played for the greater glory of the school. Now they are professional athletes. What's the point of having classes for basketball and football players? They're just passing through.
I don’t think D3 will be decimated. Why would it be? There is no money involved. If you continue to play your sport in D3 you truly love your sport, because there are no monetary incentives. It still takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice to be a D3 athlete. It also is a lot easier to walk away from that in D3 because the athlete won’t be “losing” anything in terms of a scholarship. My dd would definitely find college much easier without playing ball; however, she loves her sport and enjoys playing for her school. Those kids are mainly there for the academics.

The only way I see D3 being decimated is if NIL money starts to play a part with those schools, as well.
Jun 4, 2024
D3 already has gobs of money of Their Own.

Along with
Ncaa changing their own perimeters created a Cascade of opportunity for non NCAA colleges.

Do agree with Sluggers in that apparently Loyalty has passed its prime
Jun 4, 2024
Trying to understand what you mean by your “gobs of money” comment. Are you trying to insinuate that D3 athletes get money in some form to play for their school?
Thanks. Asked to find out what perspective you are coming from.

D3 colleges have money that comes from their own sources. Particularly private resources. They navigate mostly in a different territory than does NCAA

You can look at how that money is offered and why it's offered in any way that you want.

I am not under the delusion about d3's that when something is called 'Merit Money' it is simply Academic Merit money...
( you can call it academic Merit money,🤷‍♀️)
but it is handed out in buckets to athletes.
A more accurate word might be Athletic Merit money but they just use the word academics.
Basically they just put the students all under the same umbrella handing out money. But don't be mistaken there is definitely a pile of money that is solely dedicated to their sports programs.

Simply,...either ncaa or other colleges where they get their money from and where it magically pops up from will always be in the background somewhere.
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May 27, 2013
Thanks. Asked to find out what perspective you are coming from.

D3 colleges have money that comes from their own sources. They navigate mostly in a different territory than does NCAA.
80% private resources.
( something like that

You can look at how that money is offered and why it's offered in any way that you want.

I am not under the delusion about d3's that when something is called 'Merit Money' it is simply Academic Merit money...
( you can call it academic Merit money,🤷‍♀️)
but it is handed out in buckets to athletes.
A more accurate word might be Athletic Merit money but they just use the word academics.
Basically they just put the students all under the same umbrella handing out money. But don't be mistaken there is definitely a pile of money that is solely dedicated to their sports programs.

Simply,...either ncaa or other colleges where they get their money from and where it magically pops up from will always be in the background somewhere.
D3 does fall under NCAA.

So which schools that you know of do this specifically for athletes?

Schools typically list their merit money requirements on their web sites. The academic cutoffs are listed.

Privately-funded scholarships are usually also listed and they specify why they were developed and the type of student they go to. Most of these are need-based.

Now, there may be instances where “need-based” money can be negotiated if one school offers more than another but there are strict requirements for someone to fall into that category.

ETA: The schools could get into a LOT of trouble if it was found that money was being given specifically only to athletes under the guise of merit money if they didn’t meet the stated requirements. There are also a lot of high academic D3 schools that offer no merit money. Any money given out is specifically needs-based.
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Apr 20, 2018
If the parents net worth is over a million dollars, the player won't get squat from an Ivy. There is a basic formula that will approximate the max money a player could get based on parents net worth. I never liked these rules. The player in most cases is legally an adult. When she goes to buy a new car, should the price she pays for the car be based on her parents net worth?
Jun 18, 2023
Does bigger expenditure mean more push for schools to promote softball more, improve softball facilities, etc? Even if they're already raking it in, I imagine spending* another 13 scholarships will prompt decisions about how to make more money off that spending. I imagine that propagates out to 'lesser' schools too right? If there are more scholarships/spots at top schools, there will be more elite high schoolers that see softball as a viable avenue, and keep at it, meaning more talented athletes going to college each year?
Jun 4, 2024
D3 does fall under NCAA.

So which schools that you know of do this specifically for athletes?

Schools typically list their merit money requirements on their web sites. The academic cutoffs are listed.

Privately-funded scholarships are usually also listed and they specify why they were developed and the type of student they go to. Most of these are need-based.

Now, there may be instances where “need-based” money can be negotiated if one school offers more than another but there are strict requirements for someone to fall into that category.

ETA: The schools could get into a LOT of trouble if it was found that money was being given specifically only to athletes under the guise of merit money if they didn’t meet the stated requirements. There are also a lot of high academic D3 schools that offer no merit money. Any money given out is specifically needs-based.
Vertigo if you are so naive that you do not understand how money is dispersed out there is no explanation that will suit you.

Will share this in case you are unaware of these things happen. Knowing of numerous times student athletes have applied for and gotten into conversations about accepting opportunity and money at d3s. Then when crunching the financial numbers families saying we simply do not have enough extra to afford going to your college when we can go elsewhere without paying that extra money. To the point where D3 coaches, even Administration personnel said do you play another sport? These softball players have said things like yeah I play volleyball, I play basketball, I run track, I play soccer, and I play lacrosse, magically the D3 colleges came up with additional 10%, 20%, and 30% more money for the same student that was already sought after for their softball program. Yep I just commented they got more money because the player made a commitment to a second sport. Had nothing to do with their academics.

Things happen when colleges want players! That is the bottom line!
May 27, 2013
Another thing with D3 and merit money - as long as the athlete meets the academic requirements year after year, even if they quit their sport they will still get that money. I highly doubt D3 schools are giving out that money based on athletics alone - because it would be very easy to identify those kids through an audit if they were still getting the money but not meeting the academic requirements.
Vertigo if you are so naive that you do not understand how money is dispersed out there is no explanation that will suit you.

I will say that I know of numerous times student athletes have applied for and gotten into an accepted their academic money at d3s. Then when crunching the financial numbers families saying we simply do not have enough extra to afford going to your college when we can go elsewhere without paying that other money. To the point where coaches said do you play another sport. And these softball players have said things like yeah I play volleyball I play basketball I run track I play soccer and magically the D3 colleges came up with additional 10 20 and 30% more money for the same student that was already sought after for their softball program. Yep I just commented they got more money because the player made a commitment to a second sport. Had nothing to do with their academics.
So like I mentioned in a previous post - this is need-based money which I did say can be negotiated. If you don’t meet need-based status you aren’t getting the money.

Naive. 😂

ETA: So - still no specific school names?

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