This isn't a debate about you defending your daughter's choice to go d3. It is a fine choice.Another thing with D3 and merit money - as long as the athlete meets the academic requirements year after year, even if they quit their sport they will still get that money. I highly doubt D3 schools are giving out that money based on athletics alone - because it would be very easy to identify those kids through an audit if they were still getting the money but not meeting the academic requirements.
So like I mentioned in a previous post - this is need-based money which I did say can be negotiated. If you don’t meet need-based status you aren’t getting the money.
ETA: So - still no specific school names?
The reality is there are more than one financial package that happens with players and that is why it's good to discuss other things.
Would even suggest anybody that's going to a D3 College and they've pretty much settled what their monies will be, to come up with reasons why they need more. That is how many times I have seen d3's squeeze out more money. It's like a sponge ready to be squeezed. squeeze it!!! It leaks!!!
There is definitely a lot more flexibility with getting into all the many different D3 colleges than there would be trying to get into a D1. Keep options open!