Mandatory Face Masks

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Aug 31, 2011
Mine wears it, even in the outfield, because she's just so used to having it on she feels "weird" without it. Has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a "weak outfielder" I promise you!
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Again, I have conceded that face masks are not a bad idea, but should be a choice.

You do have a choice. You can play in this tournament, or not. Tournaments, like any free-enterprise venture, have the right to make their own rules.

If your outfielder is wearing a mask, it gives off the appearance of incompetence.

To some that might be true, but why are you concerned about appearances? For one thing, everybody will be wearing them. For another, who cares about appearances?

To demand that EVERYONE wear one, even in warm ups, and then sell them there is a money grab.

Possibly, but I don't think there's enough evidence to draw this conclusion. And if even if it is, then there are lots of ways that tournaments try to make extra money in ways that I don't like. One is to make sure that all 12 teams entered are not eliminated on Saturday so that that all 12 teams and their fans/families must pay another gate fee on Sunday. But it's like any other store. You shop there, or you don't.
Mar 29, 2012
My DD never wore a mask until this year. Her TB coacjh insist that all infielders wear them and recommends even the outfielders wear them. My DD is so used to it now that even when she moves form infield to the outfield she still has it on. It has become second nature.
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
My feeling is that the mandated face masks could be a means of lower insurance rates; and nothing more than that. It doesn't mean anyone is totally protected from being sued or injured. The fact is, a good attorney can argue that a properly worn face mask created a blind spot in the player's periferal vision causing the ball to hit her in the bicep resulting in an injury.

Face masks don't protect anyone from any course of action or injury; neither do break away bases, helmet cages, safety double 1st bases, the umpire walking the grounds looking for holes in the outfield, stickers on helmets, fence gates with working latches, fence coverings, waivers, etc.

All these measures make the game safer for everyone; that's's just safer. Insurance compaines look at the statistical risks and offer coverages based on these risks. Someone must have decided that if everyone wears a mask, statistically the injury risk is lower, thus the cost of insurance is lower...perhaps a lot lower. No big deal. If you're good with sign up to play. If don't.

When they sell the face masks of course they will turn some sort of profit. You might be paying $50 for a $40 mask. I'm sure they sell mouth guards, sunglasses, visors, bats, batting gloves, helmets, T-Shirts, bracelets, necklaces, water and gatorade too for a profit.

May 25, 2010
You would contact the state attorney to ask why a private organization using privately owned facilities have developed their own safety standards?

It's still a fair question to ask the facility operator. "Does your insurer understand you're taking on this liability with safety equipment that's been certified for use by no one except the manufacturer?"
Mar 28, 2013
Safety is a no brainer for my DDs.Since both are pitchers they fought them for a little while but now wont be in the infield or in the circle without it.The other reason I like the mask is Im sick of seeing so many players without them pulling their heads on hard hit grounders and miss fielding them because they are scared to look the ball into the mitt.You see this allot in TB at the younger ages.If I was a coach you would not have the option of not wearing one till that habit was gone.
May 7, 2008
I have not heard of any of the face masks not performing the job. No busting of either the wire ones or the plastic ones. The one that I took a full force blow to was a Gameface. I replaced it, just as a precaution.

The one the pitcher had on this past week that bent, was wire. It did bend enough to bruise her lip. Until ASA requires certification, we have to go with what we have and they appear to be very good.

A mouth guard doesn't offer much protection.
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
So why do you have your dd wear non certified "safety" gear? It sounds to me like a death trap due to the fact that no one tests such things? How do you know it even works, maybe its made from asbestos?

My bad, chinagarden. I used dealing with people of reasonable intelligence during the day. I'll explain it to you, but just this one time.

1. As a parent, I will accept certain risks for my child. Wearing a mask is our choice and I choose to accept any possible risks that come with my child wearing the non-certified mask.

2. Once someone makes that a requirement, they are taking the choice away and assuming all the risks that go with it. They had better make sure that when they do so, they have all their I's dotted and T's crossed. In this case, they had better make sure the equipment passes certain safety standards.
Nov 26, 2010
My bad, chinagarden. I used dealing with people of reasonable intelligence during the day. I'll explain it to you, but just this one time.

1. As a parent, I will accept certain risks for my child. Wearing a mask is our choice and I choose to accept any possible risks that come with my child wearing the non-certified mask.

2. Once someone makes that a requirement, they are taking the choice away and assuming all the risks that go with it. They had better make sure that when they do so, they have all their I's dotted and T's crossed. In this case, they had better make sure the equipment passes certain safety standards.

So you expect strangers to have more stringent standards then you have with you own dd. got it thanks for the explanation
Aug 29, 2011
I'm jumping in late and if this has already been said, sorry. I don't have a problem with a tournament enforcing their saftey rules as long as they were upfront about this during the registration part and didn't "spring" this on teams at the last minute.

Even so if people are objecting a cheap mouth guard can be bought for about $5 and easily be available now for the tournament if you object to getting your DD a face mask.

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