Mandatory Face Masks

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Awaiting genuis pills
Aug 30, 2011
Chicago Suburbs
A tournament requiring facemasks is a big deal (even though my daughter wears one and shows no signs of weakness wearing it), mouthguards? no big deal.

I love this site until the insults fly....I guess it's time read another topic.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
Again, I have conceded that face masks are not a bad idea, but should be a choice. How many people here have outfielders? Outfielders as a rule of thumb do not have masks.

I agree that the mask should be a choice.

It is also a choice to play in that tournament. No different than a tournament requiring a can food donation or a toy donation. If you don't want to do it, then don't play in that tournament.

Correct, most outfielders don't wear a mask for safety. However, my DD does when she plays CF. She has been wearing the mask as a pitcher for three years now and it has become a part of her game just like the glove. It such a routine for her that she wears it when playing other IF positions and when she plays occasional CF. Again, her choice and while not mandatory she should be able to do what she is comfortable with.
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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
I agree... its a choice. But IMO, For my players, I HIGHLY recommend that the pitchers and corners wear them... not so much for middle infield, and outfielders are definatly over kill.
Nov 29, 2009
I would be contacting the city/county/state attorney (whoever is in charge) and ask them why they are requiring non-tested/certified safety equipment.

You'd be wasting your breath. The program owns the fields. They've been around since 1978. I tell ya what. You go and tell Ed what you think. I'd love to be there for that.
Nov 29, 2009
the coach took the bat away from the girl? I would run from that team, I don't care how many good players come from his team. If a kid doesn't like the first pitch she shouldn't swing at it. Ever, I want my batters being picky with no strikes on them.

And what if the coach had a hit and run on and the runner got thrown out on the basepath. Would you still want her looking at the first pitch???

Answer me this. What would make a bigger impression on player? Telling them they should have swung/bunted the first pitch or take the bat away from her for the rest of the at bat? I guarantee you the next time that girl was told to bunt, swing, cover swing or anything else she did it.
Nov 29, 2009
Again, I have conceded that face masks are not a bad idea, but should be a choice. How many people here have outfielders? Outfielders as a rule of thumb do not have masks. Now this place hosts a few qualifiers at the different age levels. If this was about safety they would state they strongly recommend that everyone, especially corners and pitchers, wear a mask. Now an outfielder who has probably not worn a mask at the older ages, is forced to pay for a mask to keep playing. If your outfielder is wearing a mask, it gives off the appearance of incompetence. You are 160-180 feet away from the point of contact and outside of line drives, that if they can hit it that hard that far and that level, God bless them, the actual distance traveled is farther and you need a mask to keep yourself safe. That just makes you look like a weak outfielder. To demand that EVERYONE wear one, even in warm ups, and then sell them there is a money grab. A few people have pointed out their place their rules and I get that, but remember that when everyone complained about Augusta or when the Irish need not apply signs were up, but hey, their place, their rules.

Go back and re-read the requirement. It says mask OR mouth guard in the very first bullet.

You have plenty of time to go buy your DD a $10 mouth guard. You don't HAVE to buy one from Stone City. How is this a money grab? Stop whining or keep her out of the tournament.


Please sure to have someone video you telling Ed exactly what you think of his safety policy. I'd love to see it.
Sep 18, 2011
Answer me this. What would make a bigger impression on player? Telling them they should have swung/bunted the first pitch or take the bat away from her for the rest of the at bat? I guarantee you the next time that girl was told to bunt, swing, cover swing or anything else she did it.

Lots of things would make a bigger impression on the girl, but to take her bat away in the middle of an at bat and humiliate her in front of everyone is totally out of bounds, over the top, and unacceptable. In my opinion only, of course.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Answer me this. What would make a bigger impression on player? Telling them they should have swung/bunted the first pitch or take the bat away from her for the rest of the at bat? I guarantee you the next time that girl was told to bunt, swing, cover swing or anything else she did it.

Not OK to humiliate kids, IMO. The fact that it might be effective in modifying behavior doesn't justify it. Kids don't sign up for softball to be shamed by adults.

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