Last High School Game for a 2022; Need to Vent

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Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
In GA, we play HS softball in the fall. The first round of State Playoffs began yesterday. For context, our team has won Region for something like 22 years in a row. We were state runners-up in 2019. Then our HC retired. Last year, we made it to Sweet 16.

A little background. DD is a catcher and began at C for about half the games in 9th grade, about 3/4 of the games in 10th grade (our runner-up year) and all games last year. This is our HC's second year. My understanding is that she's never been a softball HC prior to last year. And it shows. She seems not to grasp softball strategy including but not limited to when to bunt to move runners over, how to strategically use the DP/Flex position, and when and when NOT to send runners. There have been numerous blunders over the entirety of the season. The Dad Squad has spent much time over group text bemoaning some of the bone-headed moves and missed opportunities.

Starting around 1/4 through the season, HC started playing DD as the DP and letting a freshman catch. Nothing was ever said to DD as to why she was being edged out. Eventually, DD spoke to her and she said, "Oh I didn't know you wanted to catch. OK, I'll get you some time in." After that conversation, she caught two Region Games where there was never going to be an issue of whether we would win or not and that's it. DH and I tried to stay out of it. But we were not happy. Not just because DD wasn't catching, but also because the girl who replaced her at C was actually very much needed at 3B. The girl playing 3B made a lot of wild throws to first and usually had an error every game or two. The C girl has a much better arm and is more accurate.

Back to last night. Doubleheader. We knew she wasn't going to catch. Still thought the infield would be stronger with DD catching and the other girl at third, but OK. Sure enough, in the first game, 3B makes two errors and two runs are on her. We lose 5-2. The other team has a very strong pitcher and we only had about four or five hits. DD was the first hit and hit it to the fence (I thought it was over at first). Second game, 3B makes one error and they score. We're down 3-2 in top of the 7th. We have a runner on first and 1 out. It's DD's turn to bat. And this HC (insert your own obscenity in front of "HC") pulls DD from the lineup (remember, she's a senior; she hit the crap out of the ball in the first game) and subs another girl in. Girl hits into a double play. We lose. Season over.

I don't quite have the words to express how angry I am about how this whole season went down in general, but pulling her for that last at bat of her high school career just felt like the biggest SCREW YOU of all. She knew DD can hit (and had hit in the first game), the other girl she subbed in hasn't done anything spectacular hitting-wise, and she KNEW that this could be DD's last at bat ever in HS. I'm still beside myself this morning.

And of course DD believes she did something wrong and this is going to sour all four years of HS ball. What a way to end it. Just sad.
Aug 10, 2016
Don't have any good words for you but I've never understood why HCs do what they do. And no HC ever wants to be asked why - "it's all part of my plan??" (To lose...)

I'm sorry she had to go through and on the last HS game :(
May 6, 2015
do you have younger DDs that play?

IF not, write an open letter to the local paper. Vent. People will not learn from mistakes if they are not made aware of them. What will it hurt, her HS career is over unfortunately.

Seriously considering doing this when my DDs are done (one is frosh, the other senior, senior does not pay softball, they both play FH), holding off until both are completely done HS sports though.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I know LOTS of unhappy people as their kids leave HS sports. I understand that frustration, but I believe the best thing to do is to let this season, and particularly that final game, fade into distant memory. It looks like most of your DD's HS time was pretty good, and focus on that when you speak to her about it. The coach appears less than competent, but writing angry letters about what amounts to playing time are unlikely to yield any good result. Ultimately, poor coaching of what appears to be a perennially good HS team will stand out on its own. The HC improves her act or eventually gets fired on the merits of her record. Put that in the rear-view mirror and move on to that final season of travel ball and whatever lies beyond. In the grand scheme of things, it just isn't that important.


Dec 18, 2014
Perhaps this coach truly is clueless, as you stated she has never coached before. I think a rational letter explaining the disappointment in being pulled at her last at bat in HS when she is clearly the better hitter is in order. Maybe the coach doesn't realize it and you can save someone else the disappointment. Otherwise, as difficult as it may be, chalk it up to HS ball and move on. Don't let one play define 4 years of ball.
Jul 31, 2015
I know LOTS of unhappy people as their kids leave HS sports. I understand that frustration, but I believe the best thing to do is to let this season, and particularly that final game, fade into distant memory. It looks like most of your DD's HS time was pretty good, and focus on that when you speak to her about it. The coach appears less than competent, but writing angry letters about what amounts to playing time are unlikely to yield any good result. Ultimately, poor coaching of what appears to be a perennially good HS team will stand out on its own. The HC improves her act or eventually gets fired on the merits of her record. Put that in the rear-view mirror and move on to that final season of travel ball and whatever lies beyond. In the grand scheme of things, it just isn't that important.

Agree. Try to calm down.
There's nothing you can do about what happened. The coach will live or die under her own merits.

We've experienced much, much worse, in HS and travel.

Unless you have a younger DD who will play on that team, just move on.
Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
No intention of writing a letter at this point. But it's hard not to feel like it became personal when your kid (one of only two seniors on the team) is the only kid whose role was diminished from starter to benchwarmer over the course of the season. Last night was insult to injury and people noticed. The other parents were baffled as to why HC would pull her like that. We will move onward and upward, but it hurts, you know? And watching your child sob and sob and blame herself for a s***tty coaching decision is not easy.
Oct 14, 2019
I can sympathize. My daughter deals with it frequently as a pitcher. 2 no hit innings on Saturday and no pitching time on Sunday.

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