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Nov 26, 2010
Not a lack of humor just a reminder. Besides if you ever saw how hard those kids work during band camp you would think that a tournament was not so hard


Psycho for softball!
Feb 13, 2013
At the fields
Not a lack of humor just a reminder. Besides if you ever saw how hard those kids work during band camp you would think that a tournament was not so hard

Please don't take us wrong. We were referring to the stereo type portrayed by the media ie those with a like resemblance to Napolian Dynamite. Nothing meant to disrespect and members and/or their children.

What instrument does your child play? And in all seriousness do they really have band camps like they have the softball camps?


Psycho for softball!
Feb 13, 2013
At the fields
And for the record.... I played the accordion. That being said, we all now know why I never went on the road with ACDC ��
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
I've actually never been to band camp, but in 100% all honesty, my wife was way into band back in HS. She said they went to military style, two week long camps with lots of yelling and push ups. She said they had to be up at 6am and practice formations and songs all day until dark. So much for the softy band geek stereotype. Her high school won the Ohio state championship...her claim to fame :)
Nov 26, 2010
Please don't take us wrong. We were referring to the stereo type portrayed by the media ie those with a like resemblance to Napolian Dynamite. Nothing meant to disrespect and members and/or their children.

What instrument does your child play? And in all seriousness do they really have band camps like they have the softball camps?

The band camp joke began with the movie American Pie with the line this one time at band camp being followed by a graphic discription of self pleasure and a flute. But yes they have band camp. The one most HS kids go to is to learn all the music and the marching show for the football halftime performance. Which is also the show they use in any competition they enter. They wake up at 6:30 and from then until 8:00 pm their day is scheduled. Other the. Meals they have 1 hour a day of free time. Usually there is a scheduled activity every night as well. One night this year they had dodgeball my dd surprised the he k out of a lot of the staff there. She plays tenor sax last spring she won the 1st chair and had a long solo during the concert competition they entered.


Psycho for softball!
Feb 13, 2013
At the fields
Omg I had no idea!! My boyfriend is going laugh at me so hard.
I've never seen American Pie. I have never watched the whole movie Fast Times.

Ha ha ha ha. A little embarrassed now :/
Jul 12, 2012
On the bleachers
Of course we are good with that. geez, if not people might accuse me of being "that parent" for not agreeing to the unwritten rule that all players must agree and understand rules are played according to Daddy, ASA, VTD and Utrip.

We should start a "that parent club". But I need to be the person in charge so I can change the rules whenever I like to fit my mood and situation.


Psycho for softball!
Feb 13, 2013
At the fields
I have finally seen it with my own eyes!!!!
I read about it in your post all the time!!!!!
Coach: how many pitches does little Suzy have?
That parent: she has 7, FB, cu, drop, rise, screw and 2 curve.

Oh my!!! It was number 2-9 of the previously listed.
May 7, 2008
My gosh, there was band camp long before there was softball camps. I graduated HS in 1972 and there was band camp. Marching band in college was brutal. I chose to play in the band that just sat in the stands at the football games.

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