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May 24, 2013
So Cal
Is 44 too old to be in a band? Too bad. I'm in one anyway...well, I was until the All-Star season made me take a hiatus, and the band decided they needed to replace me. Oh, well. I've got the ball rolling on a new music project already. Playing loud rock was fun, but I've been promising myself that I'd get back to playing blues (which I enjoy more, anyway). Not smooth, jazzy, old-guy blues, however. Blues that's dirty, gritty, and loud, about bad relationships, getting drunk, and gettin' busy.

Just to keep it on topic...Sofrball.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Again I say HA!! Good one.
Do you play the tuba?

Almost. I play bass guitar, which is a lot like a tuba...with electricity...and strings...and no groupies. I'm the second from the right...
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2013
So do you play at all of your DD's tourneys?
It would be great motivation for my DD's. "Girls either you do well today or daddy gets up and sings"
I too played in a band. Played guitar, bass and sang. Well we called it singing, thank goodness for "grunge" music, heck anybody could be a singer in that genre!
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Ha ha ha ha ha.... With you in there it looks like La Puente meets Long Beach! Ha ha ha Richie singing Santaria!!!!

Funny you say that. This was at a carnival in La Puente.

We don't do "La Bamba" or "Santaria". My best guess is that it was "The Middle" by Jimmy Eats World or "Highway 101" by Social D.

Clearly, you're a So Cal girl. What area?

So do you play at all of your DD's tourneys?
It would be great motivation for my DD's. "Girls either you do well today or daddy gets up and sings"
I too played in a band. Played guitar, bass and sang. Well we called it singing, thank goodness for "grunge" music, heck anybody could be a singer in that genre!

My singing is relegated to the background for a very good reason ;)

must be winter in Southern California..All the band members have pants on.

It was last March, and it was just another one of those awesomely-beautiful Spring days in So Cal :)

I knew I like Eric for some reason. Bass players are by definition the coolest cats on the planet.

Yes. Yes we are. ;)

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