Future Teen Parent

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Jul 26, 2010
Yes, it's happened, and yes, ASA insurance covers it.

When I used to coach rec I had a kid in the 18u division who had 2 (two!) kids and still played rec ball. Baby's having babys. It isn't my place to judge or question their decisions, it was my job to coach softball.

Jun 20, 2012
DW was playing coed slow-pitch up until she was about 5 or 6 months pregnant with our first daughter. Doc told her it was ok and nothing could keep her off the field. She ended up playing a season of juco ball afterwards, when DD was about 18 months old (at 23 years-old, she was the "old lady" on the team).

I've also seen the infants at the ball field during HS games, thinking it's someone's little brother or sister, only to discover that it's a player's child.
Jun 15, 2013
I believe that they made the decision not to play anymore softball obviously several months prior. At 16 y.o. She now needs to do what moms do and protect her child:(
Feb 15, 2013
Probably going to give the jerk answer here and be booed off the site, but is that really something that is needed around other 14-17 year olds? I understand TV, School and whatever else exposes them to these things but this matter goes beyond softball to me. I think as a coach and father i would encourage this girl to get a job and begin saving for her childs future. Softball is not everything since for most it ends at 18 and for the few at 22 and the elite early 30's with very little pay. I personally would not allow her to continue playing for the sake of possibly injury and negatively reinforcing teen pregnancy as something my organization allows. However i would support this player in any way i could off the field to give the child the best chance. Decisions like these are often called poor or bad but for this girl it might be the right one, but i'm not sure if it would be right for a TB organization to promote it, support it yes but not allow her to continue playing while pregnant.
Jun 13, 2011
I was hoping that this subject line meant something else! That is frightening being the parent to a 15 yo...first, I'd have her get a new doctor...secondly, well, the horse has already left the barn on that one...Third... the subject of insurance comes up - I think it's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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