The worst tryout I've ever seen

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Jun 29, 2021
Maybe it doesn't matter as much if you're in an elite program that only plays on good fields and turf, but even things like "I'm going to play two steps in because the infield is soaked and the ball is just NOT going to roll" is a learned behavior.
That's funny. If you think even the top events are played on great fields all the time, I got news for you; they're not. You'll learn that as you progress beyond 10U town ball.
May 29, 2015
Where we live you can’t play rec if you are on a comp roster.

It’s funny how different regions handle this. On some threads I feel like it would be more informative if people posted where they live. Because the advice for TX would be very different than for CO on teams from what I’ve seen.

That first part is where the rub is. I struggled with it back then, and I think my biggest mistake was taking that approach.

We didn't want "our" players becoming target practice for a competitive/travel team, and that is exactly what coaches were trying to do. They failed to see that a rec program needs parity to survive. They don't care about the program, they care about their players. Every year I had to turn away coaches who called me looking for a place to play because they wanted to bring in hand-picked teams to "practice for a year" before going to travel. That was not what we were there for. I told them they are welcome to bring their players, but they will be in our draft.

Looking back, we should have had tryouts and controlled the placement of players. Instead, we did a completely blind draft. That worked for the organization for decades, it quit working in the modern day. The philosophy was we didn't want kids discouraged by the idea of "tryouts."

As for location . . . Central Illinois. I just looked at the program and it is currently $45 to $75 depending on the age level (co-ed t-ball to 14u) with another $50 that the family can either pay outright or participate in a fundraiser to cover.

When I left, I think we were at $35 - $50 with the same fundraiser requirement (plus we had added a $15 concession stand deposit that families could get back by volunteering, or we used it to pay HS kids in the concession stand). We had a family cap of $100 in registration fees, and we NEVER turned somebody away because they couldn't afford to pay.

Depending on team counts, we targeted 12 games (2 per week) in May (the week after Mothers Day) and June. Practices were 2 per week (one weeknight, one weekend) with assigned and guaranteed practice times with access to a batting cage. Those could start April 1 and ended when games started. Teams were provided equipment bags with helmets, bats, catcher's gear, and balls.
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Jun 18, 2023
That's funny. If you think even the top events are played on great fields all the time, I got news for you; they're not. You'll learn that as you progress beyond 10U town ball.

Absolutely don't think that. I went to an Fairleigh Dickenson Softball game earlier this year. Their field is fine but like, foul balls bounce into the parking lot and you have to go get them.

So my point about bad hops stands. You're gonna get wildly results game to game, and while you can _field_ hops correctly, it's the bounces before it gets to you that matter too. If the ground ain't flat, if it barely bounces or is taking big bounces. Gotta see that first bounce to time the third one right?

But higher end programs have dedicated practice facilities. And they're taking money that (hopefully) is maintaining them. If you're a town travel team you're at the whim of some school board and like one employee that maybe drags the field if it's nice weather and it's not summer and.. It's unlikely you're going to show up one day and there are wasps that no one's dealing with, or find the pitching rubber has washed out of the spot and you have to dig and remeasure.
Jan 25, 2022
It's unlikely you're going to show up one day and there are wasps that no one's dealing with, or find the pitching rubber has washed out of the spot and you have to dig and remeasure.

We were about to host a couple LL games on our HS field a while back, and literally maybe two hours before the games, my buddy says "there's a yellow jacket nest in the visitor dugout." Someone goes into that dugout maybe twice in the offseason if nothing else is going on, so we just don't think about it.

It was down in the bench cinder block voids. He shot a bunch of spray in there then covered the entrance, and it surprisingly took care of it. We did still warn the team using it, though.
Dec 2, 2013
That worked for the organization for decades, it quit working in the modern day. The philosophy was we didn't want kids discouraged by the idea of "tryouts."
If you call it "skills assessment" that sets a different tone. During our Skills assessment we would slot the two coaches kids in the draft and the commissioner (me)would take the average and bump it down a round or two based on what he saw. Of course, the other coaches are gonna slot them as 1st or 2nd round. Also, we would identify pitchers and pitching prospects and also the girls that played All stars. For brand new coaches to the league or age division this helps to create a balanced approach, but you have those coaches that are going to pick based on friends, dads and mom's chirping in their ears. Those teams end up sucking.

My "asst coach" had twins with one being a pitcher and my DD was the catcher. I didn't get a pick til the 4th round. My asst coach was really a cheerleader and taxi cab for his kids.
Apr 14, 2022
DD moved to travel ball for first year 12u.
She tried out for an org that had 4 teams. It rained prior to the tryout. None of the pitchers could throw a wet ball. It was a crap show.
Proud to say DD’s pitching has been part of beating every one of those teams since. Would like to say the coaches only regretted not taking her once, and that was continuously, but that would be giving the coaches to much credit for actually paying attention and knowing who tried out.
Jun 4, 2024
Every field surface has its own nuances.

Turf have to learn to read the skimmers.

Turf also has its own maintenance issues. And without that become erratic.

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