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Pro-Staff Everything
Oct 5, 2009
At the Jewel in San Diego
So last night at the all-star subject came up with pregnant players . One of the coaches run a 16U travel team and one of his players is 4-5 months pregnant. Her doctor said it was ok for her to play?? :confused: I personally feel a little different on this subject. I would not for her safety. Again just IMO.

Whats your thoughts on this??
May 24, 2013
So Cal
As the father of a 14yo daughter, this whole subject scares the crap out of me. Yikes!

In that situation, my tendency would be to err on the side of safety. If the player, her doctor, and her parents are all insisting that she is able to play, it might be a tough battle to prevent it. Personally, I'd try to find a reason to keep her off the field. As we all know, softball can get really rough, and the risk of causing damage to the fetus is very realistic.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
So last night at the all-star subject came up with pregnant players . One of the coaches run a 16U travel team and one of his players is 4-5 months pregnant. Her doctor said it was ok for her to play?? :confused: I personally feel a little different on this subject. I would not for her safety. Again just IMO.

Whats your thoughts on this??

Things I don't want to think about...

Anyway, call whoever provides your leagues insurance or your governing body and get their opinion. Not a decision I would like to have to make at a local level.
Jun 24, 2013
I have mixxed feelings about the.

DD hits the ball pretty hard and if she caused a mis-cariege I could she her stop playing SB.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Seems she should have been playing alot more softball. Nows not the time to start playing. Time to do what parents get to do....cheer for their childs team.
Last edited:
Jun 14, 2011
Field of Dreams
Absolutely not!!!- There is a small but VERY REAL risk of injury, not only to herself (pregnancy causes laxity of ligaments to facilitate childbirth) but also to the fetus. I am sure her MD has no idea what is involved in tournament play for fastpitch at that level. There are recommendations with regard to level of exercise at different stages of pregnancy, and participation in recreational and competitive sports that are guided by the level of contact. Although softball is generally non-contact- we have had three significant injuries on our team this season, and I have seen injuries occur with some regularity (although not due to collision) - I would consider letting her work-out with the team, taking batting practice, fielding grounders, but that is about it. This is an article about a volleyball player, who played while pregnant, B-ball and soccer who did not. if you dig on google, you can find reference to D1 softball player, playing while pregnant, who miscarried (does not discuss how far along she was when this happened)

Last edited:
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
So last night at the all-star subject came up with pregnant players . One of the coaches run a 16U travel team and one of his players is 4-5 months pregnant. Her doctor said it was ok for her to play?? :confused: I personally feel a little different on this subject. I would not for her safety. Again just IMO.

Whats your thoughts on this??

I doubt the organization's insurance (assuming they have insurance) is intended to cover this. Unfortunately the only way to find out for sure would be for something tragic to happen.

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