barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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May 12, 2016
I didn't realize that James posted that lefty swing! He was anti-down/down to skeptic at that point?

If so that is awesome. I've had similar results(albeit just off a tee no machine here).
He was, he was challenged to swing with a "down to" approach while maintaining good posture and a FYB sequence
Apr 20, 2018

Down to = shortest path to bat to bat lag. 0:00 to 0:12. Then from 0:12 to 0:15 chop chop chop.

If you can't see it fine. Go try it. Post a video of you trying what I just said. Try to pull the knob to the bat lag position directly down to forward (or under), then when the bat is level to the ground and the knob is facing the pitcher chop. Show us how is doesn't work. Tell us what you are going to do and then do it. Prove us wrong by video.

I did that, thinking, I will show them. Of course, to swing down I had to keep my posture almost straight up and zero turn. As soon as I fixed my posture and turned my body to bat lag that same chop turned into hitting missiles. You will know it when you do it. It immediately took guess work out of hitting. Took real complex calculations my brain was doing to hit and made it real simple and direct.

What have you got to lose?, just try it.

After watching this video, I have determined that Mike Trout has not in TM camp!
Apr 11, 2015
I focused on this drill by Josh Donaldson. Best FYB drill for me.

Thank for the videos James, and your fine explanations of what did, what you're doing now, and what works best for you. Well done.

I also thought the Donaldson video was a good example of what pros think they're doing vs what they're actually doing. JD thinks that he's lowering and stretching things way forward and bringing/shifting his weight out to/towards his lead leg foot. When in fact, he stays more upright, maintains his weight back, and is really not in the same position that he practices.
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The position he achieved in the drill.................The position he tried/wanted to "feel"...........The position he actually performs live

Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with his's just that we have to be very careful simply listening to their words about what they "feel" or think they do, and then just use them verbatim as instructions to new hitters.

Yes, a good drill for James because he knew exactly what he was feeling, and the goal he was trying to accomplish with it, and could easily change his feel to better match his intended goals if he wasn't/didn't initially meet them.

But when someone else (a hitter) is told to feel something, they have their own proprioception they bring into the feel with them, and more than likely it's not going to be the same as mine, yours, or the person asking them to feel whatever, and unless they have a goal to meet with whatever feel they're given, trying to match a feel alone is pretty darn difficult.
May 12, 2016
FYB Isolation.. Donaldson gets "more" into is front foot here because that's the end of the drill.. nothing happens after, he just catches himself and sinks into the ground.. of course if it's the complete process this is going to look different and less exaggerated. In no way is this a good example of what pros think they're doing vs what they're actually doing. It's called isolation, working on one phase of the swing, looks much different in the complete process. If thinking big picture (entire picture) people need to piece it all together, otherwise just look at it for what it truly is.. isolation
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