barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jun 8, 2016
I think it’s a blend. More towards the skill side though. You survive longer if you have a good swing. You are out sooner if you don’t. Injuries and age factor in for sure.
Yeah I agreed that bball and football require more pure athletic ability doesn't negate the fact that baseball at the MLB level requires more than what the average person has. Of course mechanics are important but at the highest level, including baseball, when "you lose a step" athletically it makes a difference. The more athleticism a sport requires the bigger the difference it makes.
Albert is still playing at 40 and batting 5th. Your RB is retired at 30.
Come on, he is a shell of his former self and there are countless other hitters that have shown the same regression. Why do you think Yaz lowered his hands in his stance as he got older? It was a compensation for him losing some explosiveness...
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Apr 11, 2015
No Mud, that's not it.. I am telling you these guys are attempting to swing "down to" Now if you agree with that I apologize for lumping you in.. The feel is real when the posture is added into it. I believe Yelich made the comment guys are throwing a hundo and if your trying to lift it will be 3 pitches and hopefully you get to go play defense.
I guess I'm having difficulty getting my point(s) across. If you listen to Yelich, he wasn't - attempting to swing "down to" - he was "attempting to hit the front of the plate" with the ball. Once he accomplished that, he was, "attempting to hit the ground 6' out in front of the plate"....then a "LD", and then just launching it to the back of the cage (I think I remember him doing the last back of the cage part, but not 100% positive, and I'm not gonna go listen again...doesn't really matter for the discussion).

Do you understand the difference in attempting to do something that's objective (hit a particular spot in the cage with the ball) vs attempting to do something that's subjective (feel that you "swing down", but with no true measuring gauge to know if you're swing "down to" is the same as someone else's swing "down to")?
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Jun 8, 2016
Let me put it another way. We have all seen Trout's HS swing. What do you think pro scouts were looking at when they were projecting him? While his mechanics were not horrible, he certainly wasn't polished so what was it??? I am sure he had great numbers but he was playing HS ball in NJ...
Apr 11, 2015
Let me put it another way. We have all seen Trout's HS swing. What do you think pro scouts were looking at when they were projecting him? While his mechanics were not horrible, he certainly wasn't polished so what was it??? Sure I am sure he had great numbers but he was playing HS ball in NJ...
His swing "down to"? :unsure::eek::D
Jul 16, 2013
No Mud, that's not it.. I am telling you these guys are attempting to swing "down to" Now if you agree with that I apologize for lumping you in.. The feel is real when the posture is added into it. I believe Yelich made the comment guys are throwing a hundo and if your trying to lift it will be 3 pitches and hopefully you get to go play defense.

He had no idea where is barrel was (just hit) until Bonds forced him into owning the direction it was taking.

Can you post any videos of the pros talking about the posture they use?


Mar 11, 2010
I guess I'm having difficulty getting my point(s) across. If you listen to Yelich, he wasn't - attempting to swing "down to" - he was "attempting to hit the front of the plate" with the ball. Once he accomplished that, he was, "attempting to hit the ground 6' out in front of the plate"....then a "LD", and then just launching it to the back of the cage (I think I remember him doing the last back of the cage part, but not 100% positive, and I'm not gonna go listen again...doesn't really matter for the discussion).

Do you understand the difference in attempting to do something that's objective (hit a particular spot in the cage with the ball) vs attempting to do something that's subjective (feel that you "swing down", but with no true measuring gauge to know if you're swing "down to" is the same as someone else's swing "down to")?

Always a play on words with you and damn you're good at it ;)


Mar 11, 2010
Can you post any videos of the pros talking about the posture they use?

No but wish there was so You wouldn't be thinking some are blowing smoke up your a$$

What did you think he meant by folks thinking their on time but they're not. What about the if I was leaking I am not getting to that up and in pitch.

May 12, 2016
TDS, I thought the rules here state you're only allowed to post under one screen name wrt all of this TM talk. LOL!! ;)?

But seriously julray, I stopped caring what TM says/said 10 years ago, when I and a couple other old "HI" members flew him out to SD to meet up with him for his very first "clinic" to get a better understanding of wtf he was actually talking about. It took him all of about the first hour of the first evening's classroom session to see he was just winging it (there were actually a couple dads who got up, and walked out, never to be seen again for the rest of the weekend), and had no idea wtf he was talking about.

So if you're still getting your hitting information from TM, or using him as some quotable, end all/know all authoritative source wrt TTB...well, then you'll get what you get...frustration, anger, and disgust. Some can't move past all of the drama, and that's their problem...I washed my hands if it, and him years ago.

Yes, that didn't answer your question directly, but as soon as someone asks me anything wrt TM, I know that it's not really a question to me, but rather an inditement wrt Rich that I'm not interested in wasting my time on. Hope you can understand.
mudders...if you have videos posted all over Twitter then I will stop referencing TM all the time. However in this case I could of said Charlie Brown and it would not of made a lick of difference. My question is simple... again I ask when buddy on twitter dumps the barrel to isolate hands, do you think this is the barrel path he is aiming for? Nothing to be paranoid about here, yes or no answer will do just fine

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