barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Apr 11, 2015
the problem is the verb ‘explosive’ is never used by any good pro. That’s a marketing term.. I’m channeling my inner Blue dog. ?
The real problem is with "channeling [your] inner Blue"...and it starts making ya think "explosive" is a verb, when it's either an "adjective" (as used in this case) or a noun (when talking about the device - "Be careful, there's an 'explosive' under that chair")..."explode" is the verb that will happen if/when the noun is set off. OK, class is over, and I wish Blue would have paid better attention in school if you're gonna channel I wouldn't have to keep explaining all of this to y'all...all of the time. ;)?
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
The real problem is with "channeling [your] inner Blue"...and it starts making ya think "explosive" is a verb, when it's either an "adjective" (as used in this case) or a noun (when talking about the device - "Be careful, there's an 'explosive' under that chair")..."explode" is the verb that will happen if/when the noun is set off. OK, class is over, and I wish Blue would have paid better attention in school if you're gonna channel I wouldn't have to keep explaining all of this to y'all...all of the time. ;)?

You’re using it as an action , are you not? Haha.

‘be quick and explosive’ ... hahahaha.
May 12, 2016
There is more involved than the hands/wrists/forearms. If one is only using those body parts, the result will not be favorable.

When the elbow goes down, what happens to the top hand? Palm up, correct? But only if you allow it to go palm up. I can make my elbow go up and down all day long without changing the angle of the barrel. Think about Joe Morgan's pre-swing activity. If there is no perpendicular pressure applied to the handle, the barrel will point straight up in the air no matter what the elbow does. That isn't what JD does. The elbow goes down, the barrel head goes down. Exactly what I have been saying all along.
You are focussing On the wrong elbow... JD talks more about front side mechanics... yes the back elbow plays a part obviously, but he focuses on bringing the front elbow up. It’s very difficult for palm up not to occur with this movement. But I agree, I’ve said all along, the wrist need to be oily the hands need to be loose... but allowing something to happen is much different than applying force. I also agree, rely on the bigger muscles, the barrel will turn, no need to think the irrelevant action of TTB(forced supination, snap, etc)
Apr 11, 2015
You’re using it as an action , are you not? Haha.

‘be quick and explosive’ ... hahahaha.
No, as a "feeling" (adjective), because that's all any hitters are talking about when talking hitting...what they "feel". Because if Albert, or Arod actual believe that the bat/barrel path they demo is their actual game path....they've never watched a single video of their swing, or if they have no idea wth they're looking at.

Same with Christian, he actually said in the video if anyone was really listening that he knows he doesn't actually swing down in his game swings, but that's what the drill makes him "feel" he's doing.
Last edited:
May 12, 2016
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Actually there are some who have changed their opinion... one of the few who picked the bat and really gave it a shot. 99% of all pros say down to. IMO it would make sense to figure why they are saying/practicing and demoing this.
May 12, 2016
No, as a "feeling" (adjective), because that's all any hitters are talking about when talking hitting...what they "feel". Because if Albert, or Arod actual believe that the bat/barrel path they demo is their actual game path....they've never watched a single video of their swing, or if they have, the have no idea wth they're looking at.

Same with Christian, he actually said in the video if anyone was really listening that he knows he doesn't actually swing down in his game swings, but that's what the drill makes him "feel" he's doing.
When TM stands flat footed and dumps barrel.... do you believe this the barrel path he’s aiming for or his he just isolating what the hands/forearms are doing?
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
No, as a "feeling" (adjective), because that's all any hitters are talking about when talking hitting...what they "feel". Because if Albert, or Arod actual believe that the bat/barrel path they demo is their actual game path....they've never watched a single video of their swing, or if they have, the have no idea wth they're looking at.

Same with Christian, he actually said in the video if anyone was really listening that he knows he doesn't actually swing down in his game swings, but that's what the drill makes him "feel" he's doing.

LOL. Kick save and what a beaut !! Not what you meant, but I digress... so when do we want to feel explosive? At launch? So our frontside can fly open or more towards the beginning of the sequence during our forward move so we lunge? Please clarify? ?
Jul 16, 2013
You are focussing On the wrong elbow... JD talks more about front side mechanics... yes the back elbow plays a part obviously, but he focuses on bringing the front elbow up. It’s very difficult for palm up not to occur with this movement. But I agree, I’ve said all along, the wrist need to be oily the hands need to be loose... but allowing something to happen is much different than applying force. I also agree, rely on the bigger muscles, the barrel will turn, no need to think the irrelevant action of TTB(forced supination, snap, etc)

I agree with JD on this. The front arm is used to set the swing plane with most accomplished hitters. FFS and I had several lengthy discussions about this over the years. Him and I both agree with the importance of the front arm. We just have slightly different theories concerning how it is used. But it takes both arms working together to make consistent contact. If you remember, I have been saying all along that it takes more than just torque to get the barrel moving properly. The role of the front arm is a key player. Nothing I have not already said...

With all due respect julray it seems to me that you would rather lump me in with Rich and others you disagree with instead of actually reading my posts. I am not sure why, but you keep pulling things out of them that really are not there. I don't know if that is by accident or intentional. I even went as far to cite a few areas where I disagree with Rich. Those statements are in this thread. It seems as though you missed them or ignored them.
May 12, 2016
I agree with JD on this. The front arm is used to set the swing plane with most accomplished hitters. FFS and I had several lengthy discussions about this over the years. Him and I both agree with the importance of the front arm. We just have slightly different theories concerning how it is used. But it takes both arms working together to make consistent contact. If you remember, I have been saying all along that it takes more than just torque to get the barrel moving properly. The role of the front arm is a key player. Nothing I have not already said...

With all due respect julray it seems to me that you would rather lump me in with Rich and others you disagree with instead of actually reading my posts. I am not sure why, but you keep pulling things out of them that really are not there. I don't know if that is by accident or intentional. I even went as far to cite a few areas where I disagree with Rich. Those statements are in this thread. It seems as though you missed them or ignored them.
Agreed about the front elbow, agreed about elbows working together... and agree about being lumped in. Potentially because I may of missed key statements, but it’s what you do agree with, the posts you do like etc.. that’s what influences me to lump you in. I’ll try to keep an open mind with your posts and reactions moving forward
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I'm curious...Are there people who believe that TTB (active handle torque at launch) and a short/direct hand path are mutually exclusive?

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