barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jul 16, 2013
Agreed about the front elbow, agreed about elbows working together... and agree about being lumped in. Potentially because I may of missed key statements, but it’s what you do agree with, the posts you do like etc.. that’s what influences me to lump you in. I’ll try to keep an open mind with your posts and reactions moving forward

That's all I ask. I know there are people on this site and other sites that like to be part of a clique. Not my style. Has never been my style. Sorry, but I wasn't even interested in cliques when I was in high school. This entire social distancing thing is easy for me because I have been practicing for it my entire life ;)

I will be honest, there are several people on this site that I do respect. But I don't always agree with them either... My thoughts are mine alone.
Apr 20, 2018
Feelings, swing thoughts or cues: Explosive, effortless power, release, throw, canoe going over the waterfall, crashing wave, hit with your body, tight turn and let the bat go by. Tried them all. They all work.
Apr 11, 2015
When TM stands flat footed and dumps barrel.... do you believe this the barrel path he’s aiming for or his he just isolating what the hands/forearms are doing?
TDS, I thought the rules here state you're only allowed to post under one screen name wrt all of this TM talk. LOL!! ;)?

But seriously julray, I stopped caring what TM says/said 10 years ago, when I and a couple other old "HI" members flew him out to SD to meet up with him for his very first "clinic" to get a better understanding of wtf he was actually talking about. It took him all of about the first hour of the first evening's classroom session to see he was just winging it (there were actually a couple dads who got up, and walked out, never to be seen again for the rest of the weekend), and had no idea wtf he was talking about.

So if you're still getting your hitting information from TM, or using him as some quotable, end all/know all authoritative source wrt TTB...well, then you'll get what you get...frustration, anger, and disgust. Some can't move past all of the drama, and that's their problem...I washed my hands if it, and him years ago.

Yes, that didn't answer your question directly, but as soon as someone asks me anything wrt TM, I know that it's not really a question to me, but rather an inditement wrt Rich that I'm not interested in wasting my time on. Hope you can understand.
Jun 8, 2016
I think injuries play a big role there. Not quick twitch. Many HOFers get it done with

Athleticism and skill are 2 different things. Apples and oranges.

that’s why golfers and MLBers can play into their Forty’s and b-ball and football guys typically don’t.
There isn't an athletic component to hitting? Ok..See this where everybodies insecurities about their own athletic abilities warps their view of things. If you think that the only reason you didn't make it to the majors was because of technique then you are kidding yourself.. Yes bball and football require more pure athletic ability I am not going to deny that but if you think the only reason Pujols is a .250 hitter now is because of injuries (which btw could also rob somebody of their ability to generate force in a small amount of time, e.g. explosiveness but I digress) you are more than likely incorrect.
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Apr 11, 2015
LOL. Kick save and what a beaut !! Not what you meant, but I digress... so when do we want to feel explosive? At launch? So our frontside can fly open or more towards the beginning of the sequence during our forward move so we lunge? Please clarify? ?
Huh? You clarify, wth you're talking about. "So our frontside can fly open or more towards the beginning of the sequence during our forward move so we lunge?" where did I ever say or imply such a nonsensical thing? Or are you just in panic mode throwing things out hoping something will stick or that I'll panic, and write something by mistake?

But really, I'm more interested in this. A few weeks ago I sent you a PM elsewhere saying I like one of your DD's swings. Now hypothetically for the discussion, what if when asked to describe her swing she had said to you that she, "swings up from her knees to sky", would you really come on here, and say that that's how someone should train their hitters to swing? Or more so, would you try to "correct" her swing because some pro says he "swings down"? Or is it what you see in her swing that matters most to you, and not what she says he "feels" or tries to do when in order to accomplish it?

I'll give you my answer so as not to let you think I'm playing "gotchya" long as the hitter gets the load, and barrel path I'm looking for...I couldn't care less what they "think" or "feel" they're doing to accomplish it. I "feel" the same way about what big leaguers say wrt to their swings also. I'm truly believe the "Do what I do, not as I say" mantra when it comes to what the "experts" say and do.
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Mar 11, 2010
TDS, I thought the rules here state you're only allowed to post under one screen name wrt all of this TM talk. LOL!! ;)?

But seriously julray, I stopped caring what TM says/said 10 years ago, when I and a couple other old "HI" members flew him out to SD to meet up with him for his very first "clinic" to get a better understanding of wtf he was actually talking about. It took him all of about the first hour of the first evening's classroom session to see he was just winging it (there were actually a couple dads who got up, and walked out, never to be seen again for the rest of the weekend), and had no idea wtf he was talking about.

So if you're still getting your hitting information from TM, or using him as some quotable, end all/know all authoritative source wrt TTB...well, then you'll get what you get...frustration, anger, and disgust. Some can't move past all of the drama, and that's their problem...I washed my hands if it, and him years ago.

Yes, that didn't answer your question directly, but as soon as someone asks me anything wrt TM, I know that it's not really a question to me, but rather an inditement wrt Rich that I'm not interested in wasting my time on. Hope you can understand.

No Mud, that's not it.. I am telling you these guys are attempting to swing "down to" Now if you agree with that I apologize for lumping you in.. The feel is real when the posture is added into it. I believe Yelich made the comment guys are throwing a hundo and if your trying to lift it will be 3 pitches and hopefully you get to go play defense.

He had no idea where is barrel was (just hit) until Bonds forced him into owning the direction it was taking.
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Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
There isn't an athletic component to hitting? Ok..See this where everybodies insecurities about their own athletic abilities warps their view of things. If you think that the only reason you didn't make it to the majors was because of technique then you are kidding yourself.. Yes bball and football require more pure athletic ability I am not going to deny that but if you think the only reason Pujols is a .250 hitter now is because of injuries (which btw could also rob somebody of their ability to generate force in a small amount of time, e.g. explosiveness but I digress) you are more than likely incorrect.

I think it’s a blend. More towards the skill side though. You survive longer if you have a good swing. You are out sooner if you don’t. Injuries and age factor in for sure. Albert is still playing at 40 and batting 5th. Your RB is retired at 30.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Huh? You clarify, wth you're talking about. "So our frontside can fly open or more towards the beginning of the sequence during our forward move so we lunge?" where did I ever say or imply such a nonsensical thing? Or are you just in panic mode throwing things out hoping something will stick or I'll panic, and write something in mistake?

But really, I'm more interested in this. A few weeks ago I sent you a PM elsewhere saying I like one of your DD's swings. Now hypothetically for the discussion, what if when asked to describe her swing she had said to you that she, "swings up from her knees to sky", would you really come on here, and say that that's how someone should train their hitters to swing? Or more so, would you try to "correct" her swing because some pro says he "swings down"? Or is it what you see in her swing that matters most to you, and not what she says he "feels" or tries to do when in order to accomplish it?

I'll give you my answer so as not to let you think I'm playing "gotchya" long as the hitter gets the load, and barrel path I'm looking for...I couldn't care less what they "think" or "feel" they're doing to accomplish it. I "feel" the same way about what big leaguers say wrt to their swings also. I'm truly believe the "Do what I do, not as I say" mantra when it comes to what the "experts" say and do.

real simple mud... when do we want to feel ‘explosive’ during the sequence?

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