barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Oct 2, 2017
Down to !!


Isn't there a bunch of frames missing there?
Jul 29, 2013

Watched and really listened to what Mike says.
Since he was a little kid, the pitch that was down was easy to hit. Just swing down and it worked. That's his swing path.
Now in the big league, they pitch him up and he struggles. ARod, the same...."and now the high strike" .... Difficult to hit.
So they practice tomahawking the ball into the ground.
Sounds to me like the down to approach causes trouble with getting on plane with that high pitch. They keep getting under it, popping it up or fouling it off.
The flaw in down to is that, even if you're in the big league, you're going to struggle getting on plane, going to get under balls.
Down to relies in superior timing skills to square up the ball and home runs are a mistake. Down to is swinging across the path of the pitch.
TTB and getting on plane early, is a much more forgiving swing timing wise. Hence Ted Williams batting average while hitting for power.
The increase in the number of home runs and strike outs is because lesser skilled ball players can go yard with a "launch angle" swing, but they don't make good contact hitters.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
If ‘down to’ is going to work. The frontside must be leveraged. It gives something for the hands to leverage against plain and simple. THATS HOW TILT IS CREATED! If you launch from the backside or open up to swing, ‘swing up’ is needed, which is a longer path.

if you can get to a position at foot down while staying closed and in the middle. The hands will swing down to, level and up through.

learn the hitting position.
Jul 29, 2013
If ‘down to’ is going to work. The frontside must be leveraged. It gives something for the hands to leverage against plain and simple. THATS HOW TILT IS CREATED! If you launch from the backside or open up to swing, ‘swing up’ is needed, which is a longer path.

if you can get to a position at foot down while staying closed and in the middle. The hands will swing down to, level and up through.

learn the hitting position.
Tilt back and tomahawk. Right?
May 12, 2016
Better to hit the way they hit, rather than practice how they practice.
Practice what you need to to get the result. Otherwise you're literally practicing for the sake of practice.
LOL.. ok let's ask our amateur hitters to hit the way pros hit without practice. However the pros feel it's necessary to practice/work on/perfect their swing each day in order to hit the way they hit. That's a fantastic approach coach.

In regard to the comments about your DD and the head coach. First of all why was the coach trying to change her swing in the first place if she was hitting so many HR's? I've never seen a coach do that before unless she was popping up the majority of the time. 2nd, the coach is obviously oblivious of what "down to" really means, you seem to have some trouble with the concept as well because you keep on saying "beating the ball into the ground". Maybe if the coach understood what down to really was he could of helped your DD turn the pop ups into line drives while hitting just as many HR's.
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