barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jul 29, 2013
Down to..

This swing and Thome's are cutting the ball and would net routine fly balls. None of the videos clearly show that the barrel is getting below the hands. The Bond's swing graphic isn't where his hands go and, like the others, moves too fast during the actual swing to show what's actually happening. These gifs are useless distractions.
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Mar 11, 2010
This swing and Thome's are cutting the ball and would net routine fly balls. None of the videos clearly show that the barrel is getting below the hands. The Bond's swing graphic isn't where his hands go and, like the others, moves too fast during the actual swing to show what's actually happening. These gifs are useless distractions.

Useless only because it doesn't fit with what you have been taught by Rich.. The craziness of late is the mlb's and former disputing the pattern... For the longest time some of us felt like we were alone.

The 3 hitters Rich worked with are the only 3 to match what he teaches.. It works but not what the best do.

May 12, 2016
Who is the guy showing down to with no posture? :)

To quote
"...They just can’t fathom how the proper movement of one part or segment takes a different look when other parts/segments are added. "

That's precisely what's happening when he demos "down to". He just showing hands and arms. Using his own words TM just can’t fathom how the proper movement of one part or segment takes a different look when other parts/segments are added.

Love how he stands tall and just chops down.. Love to see him do that while incorporating all the aspects of a high level swing.. I wonder what happens to barrel path then. Go back to Pujois side by side, that's what happens when you incorporate down to into the full recipe.
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Jun 8, 2016
.. Love to see him do that while incorporating all the aspects of a high level swing.. I wonder what happens to barrel path then. Go back to Pujois side by side, that's what happens when you incorporate down to into the full recipe.
Isn't that what he was trying to explain in the video in post #194? In his opinion the other aspect of HL which takes the down to aspect to down to and up through is swinging from 1 leg. Now you may not agree with that but he was doing what you asked was he not?
Jul 29, 2013
Useless only because it doesn't fit with what you have been taught by Rich.. The craziness of late is the mlb's and former disputing the pattern... For the longest time some of us felt like we were alone.

The 3 hitters Rich worked with are the only 3 to match what he teaches.. It works but not what the best do.

Useless because they don't convey the information in a context that leaves no room for misinterpretation. In other words, they're incomplete.
Who is Rich??
Feb 25, 2020
The TM vids are interesting.

Id like to hear what you guys have to say about Antonellis explanation here. Start at 4:30 to about 630 or 7.

He says turn the barrel but not sure thats the right name for whats haopening. Tilt the barrel is better but maybe not exactly right.

Im gonna coin the term ""down to" turned violently sideways" DTTVS. You heard it here first.

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