10u hitter can't make contact

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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Jul 10, 2014
Im not as experienced or knowledgeable as many here but we had several girls on our roster this year with the exact same problem, almost the exact same swing. Take it for what its worth but the following is exactly what we did and almost all of them were much better hitters by the end of the season.

1. Problem #1 was dropping of the hands so we simply lowered their hands to begin with. Instead of focusing on the high triangle, we simply lowered their hands to almost the "at rest" position, hard to drop them if they are already there.

2. Problem #2 was sweeping of the bat or long, loopy swings resulting in being behind the ball too often. Sounds crazy but at first we took the bat out of their hands and utilized a 3-in. swimming noodle (ok, quit laughing). To teach them to "throw their hands at the ball" rather than looping around to meet the ball, we had them grab the noodle about 2-3-ft. from the bottom (choke up). The goal was for the bottom end of the noodle to hit the ball off the tee, then finish rotating with the noodle swinging across the tee where the ball was. Stupidest thing i had ever heard of when one of my coaches recommended it but i was amazed at how quickly the girls started throwing their hands at the ball and finishing inside of it.

3. Simply moving the tee up in their stance. Its amazing how many knowledgeable coaches/parents tee the ball up in the middle of the girls stance without thinking about how much it changes the swing. Simply getting the girls to think "hit the ball in front of the plate rather than over the plate" helped with the timing and even the hands.

Teework............teework..........teework. I dont think a player at any level can hit enough balls off the tee. Everything else can be perfected without throwing one single pitch to them and when the teework is perfect, then its just a matter of figuring out the timing.....everything else is automatic by now.

Just my .02

Good ideas, thanks Okie. also I'm putting a tee at like chest high level so she couldn't possibly drop hands without hitting the tee.
May 6, 2014
Low and outside
I've seen a couple of things done with netting to help correct a swing. Most of us have probably had kids stand parallel to the net (or fence), about a bat's length away, and have them practice swinging w/o hitting the net. More recently, a HC had DD stand perpendicular to the net, with the net behind her, and again swing w/o hitting the net.
Jul 10, 2014
Thanks to all for advice. DD had nice end to the season with a couple of hard hit balls. Still need to be more consistent with hands to quicken the swing up but at least some positive reinforcement until the next season.
Aug 1, 2014
IMO, she's loosing her hands really early. That's whats causing the loop. Tell her to try to make a swoosh with the bat as she swings and to make that swoosh in front of her.
For the tee, I would put the ball high and tight. She needs to focus on getting the handle of the bat straight to the inside of the ball then release her hands and push the ball to first base. If you put the ball further infront of her she can start to pull the ball toward third.
Hope this helps.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Ffs you are not helping her. Random photos of MLB is doing nothing but confusing her father. Why don't u offer up some help and put this garbage away. It's way to early for this. My advise. Throw away the multi t ideas and keep it simple...don't get caught up in this garbage.

Papa ... take note that Braun passes through the power-vee position. Ignoring the hand path would be a big mistake for this young lady .... which is something totally screwed up at the moment.

As opposed to this here .....

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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
A drill recently described by 1CA at BBD .....

ask your daughter to beat balls straight into the ground ~ 4' in front of the tee. Than increase it to 10'. Than 20, etc. Get her to have a more direct hand path. Don't worry about sending the barrel rearward. Get the loop out.

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